Evolution of the global supply chains and the consequences for the German economy

Дата публикации: 28.12.2020

Evolution of the global supply chains and the consequences for the German economy

Emelyanov V.V.
Markova E.V.
Rodigina N.J.
Musikhin V.I.
Аннотация: This investigation focuses on the changes taking place in global value chains in 2020 during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus infection. The article demonstrates that the current changes are caused not only and not so much by the global lockdown, but by the trends that accelerated in the period after the global financial crises 2008. Special attention is paid to Germany, as one of the largest users of outsourcing of the production facilities in developing and low-income countries.
Ключевые слова: global supply chains, COVID-19, Germany, international economics, international trade
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