The use of Internet resources in teaching English

UDC 378.147
Publication date: 18.07.2024
International Journal of Professional Science №7-1-2024

The use of Internet resources in teaching English

Lashina Ekaterina N.,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages,
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design.
Higher School of Technology and Energy
Abstract: The problem of effective use of Internet resources in the learning process has received quite wide coverage in pedagogical science and in practice. Currently, the role of Internet technologies is not just great, but colossal. In the context of globalization, the development of information technology leads to the formation of new ways to use the Internet. In this regard, it seems relevant to study the prospects and possibilities of using Internet resources for educational purposes, namely, in teaching English.
Keywords: Internet, Internet resource, Internet technologies, information technologies, English language, foreign language.

In the modern educational process, many different information technologies are used. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based methods, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a student-oriented approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of students, their level of learning, inclinations, etc.

The use of Internet resources in education has become one of the most revolutionary achievements in recent decades, which has significantly influenced the educational process throughout the world. The use of the Internet space for educational purposes is a completely new direction in general didactics and private methodology, since the changes that are taking place affect all aspects of the educational process, from the choice of techniques and style of work to changing requirements for the academic level of students.

Internet resources are also successfully used in teaching English. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process.

The terminological apparatus of teaching foreign languages ​​using modern Internet technologies is still in its infancy. This explains the fact that often in scientific research authors use different terms to denote the same concepts and phenomena. The most widely used term in scientific literature is educational Internet technologies. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, it should be understood as a set of forms, methods, methods, and techniques for teaching a foreign language using Internet resources. In other words, educational Internet technologies are the use of the Internet in teaching a foreign language. The technological capabilities of the Internet make it possible to create a real language environment for foreign language learners. Such an environment is created thanks to the possibility of real communication with native speakers in a delayed mode (offline) or in real time (online).

In addition, this is the ability to publish your own information, access to information resources, and the ability to navigate the network using powerful search engines. All these truly unique opportunities create the conditions for organizing a modern educational process in both full-time and distance learning.

But in order for teachers and students not to get lost in the abundance of various Internet resources, modern scientists have prepared their classification [1]:

  • interactive (e-mail, offline teleconferences, audio and video conferences, IRC);
  • search (directories, search and metasearch engines).

In English-language literature, there are five types of educational Internet resources:

  • hotlist – a list of Internet sites on the topic being studied;
  • treasure hunt – contains links to various sites on the topic being studied, each link contains questions about the content of the site [2];
  • subject sampler – contains links to text and multimedia materials on the Internet;
  • multimedia scrapbook – a collection of multimedia resources;
  • webquest – a scenario for organizing student project activities on any topic using the Internet.

The English language plays a big role, as it is the most important tool for international cooperation and intercultural communication. Observations show that English is very common as a second foreign language. In the modern world, speaking English is no longer considered a professional or personal achievement, but a daily necessity. Thanks to your knowledge of English, you have the opportunity to use world resources that are not available in Russian; read books in the original before they are translated into Russian; watch movies and news in English. It follows from this that proficiency in English makes a person polyvalent and competitive. Consequently, the motivation to learn a language in society is quite high. Today, it is often necessary to learn a language quickly and at a good level. One of the effective ways to achieve this is considered to be immersion in the language environment. Distance learning using the Internet helps to carry out such immersion remotely, significantly saving time and money, as well as providing access to knowledge to people with disabilities [3].

The main goal of teaching English is the formation and development of students’ communicative culture, teaching practical mastery of the language.

The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. The teacher must intensify the cognitive activity of students in the process of teaching foreign languages.

The possibilities for using Internet resources are enormous. Using the Internet allows students to independently and quickly find the necessary information in English. The global Internet creates conditions for obtaining any necessary information located anywhere in the world. There are many sites on the Internet that deal with linguistics, lexical, and grammar. Students can take part in competitions, competitions held over the Internet, correspond with peers from other countries, chat, participate in video conferences, etc. Students can also receive information on the problem they are currently working on. This could be a joint work of Russian youth and their foreign peers from one or more countries.

In English classes using the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic tasks:

  • develop reading skills and abilities using materials from the global network;
  • improve students’ writing skills;
  • replenish students’ vocabulary;
  • improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts on the Internet, also prepared accordingly by the teacher;
  • form stable motivation to learn English.

Forms of working with computer training programs in English classes include:

  • learning vocabulary;
  • practicing pronunciation;
  • training in dialogical and monologue speech;
  • teaching writing;
  • practicing grammatical phenomena.

Using Internet resources gives access to:

  • authentic information (texts, audio and video materials, etc.);
  • websites of foreign language newspapers (Washington Post, The New York Times);
  • various portals (YouTube, VOA., BBC World Service, CNN World News, etc.);
  • online communication with native speakers: sites for studying and practicing foreign languages ​​(LinguaLeo, Italki, etc.);
  • online training, professional retraining courses in the field of foreign languages ​​(webinars, distance learning, educational Internet portals);
  • educational and reference information: electronic dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, reference books (for example, Wikipedia, Rubricon);
  • translation of foreign language information for initial familiarization with the text (for example, online services Yandex.Translate and Google Translator, Altavista,;
  • online language testing (trial tests, TOEFL trial testing, listening tests, etc.) [4].

The use of Internet resources includes the following aspects:

  • educational;
  • cognitive;
  • developing.

The educational aspect includes:

  • development of self-education skills;
  • ability to navigate information flows;
  • ability to work in groups of heterogeneous composition.
  • promoting the cultural and humanitarian development of students through exposure to the widest range of cultural, ethnic, and humanistic information;
  • instilling skills in genuine research activities, simulating the work of a scientific laboratory or creative workshop.

The cognitive aspect includes:

  • exchange of information, ideas;
  • discussion of plans on issues of interest to participants,
  • discussion of topics of joint projects, which helps broaden one’s horizons;
  • raising the cultural level;
  • organization of various types of joint research work of teachers, students, scientists from different schools, scientific and educational centers of the same or different regions, or even different countries.

The developing aspect includes:

  • developing the ability to obtain information from a variety of sources;
  • ability to process it using the most modern computer technologies,
  • ability to store and deliver over any long distances, to different parts of the planet;
  • creation of a genuine language environment (in conditions of compatibility of international telecommunications projects, regular teleconferences, as well as audio and video conferences, chats), facilitating the emergence of a natural need for communication in a foreign language and hence the need for learning foreign languages [5].

The main goal of learning English is the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, cognitive, developing) are realized in the process of achieving this main goal.

The communicative approach involves learning to communicate and developing the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet has no meaning – it is an international, multinational, cross-cultural society, whose livelihoods are based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world speaking at the same time – the most gigantic conversation in size and number of participants that has ever taken place. By participating in it in an English class, a model of real communication is created. Communicating in the true language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in real life situations. Engaged in solving a wide range of meaningful, realistic, interesting and achievable problems, students learn to respond spontaneously and adequately to them, which stimulates the creation of original statements, rather than formulaic manipulation of language formulas.

Mastering communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without communication practice, and the use of Internet resources in an English class is simply irreplaceable in this sense: the virtual environment of the Internet allows you to go beyond time and space boundaries, providing its users with the opportunity for authentic communication with real interlocutors on topics that are relevant to both parties . However, we must not forget that the Internet is only an auxiliary technical means of teaching, and in order to achieve optimal results it is necessary to correctly integrate its use into the class process.

When working with computer technologies, the role of the teacher also changes, whose main task is to support and guide the development of students’ personalities and their creative search. Relationships with students are built on the principles of cooperation and joint creativity. In these conditions, a revision of the organizational forms of educational work that have developed today is inevitable: an increase in independent individual and group work of students, a departure from the traditional class with a predominance of the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, an increase in the volume of practical and creative work of a search and research nature. In this type of cooperation between the Internet and the class, a project form of educational activity is often used. The project involves independent research work by students, during which they look for a way to solve some complex multi-level problem.

The Internet space contains enormous cultural and didactic potential, which is already being used in education all over the world. However, for optimal and effective use of Internet network resources for educational purposes, a huge amount of research work is required, the results of which make it possible to determine general and specific principles of work, criteria for selecting network resources, sites and materials, as well as significantly update the arsenal of methodological tools and teaching techniques.


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