The development strategy of New Uzbekistan is the path to new opportunities

UDC 33
Publication date: 31.10.2022
International Journal of Professional Science №9-2022

The development strategy of New Uzbekistan is the path to new opportunities

Tulaganova Gulchekhra Zakhidzhanovna
Ibratova Feruza Babakulovna
Ruziev Behruz Malik oghli

1. Professor of Tashkent State Law University, Doctor of Law
2. Professor of Tashkent State Law University, Doctor of Law
3. Student of the Faculty of Criminal Justice
Tashkent State Law University
Abstract: The article deals with the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan as a way to new opportunities. Directions are analyzed, such as building a humane state by increasing the honor and dignity of a person and further developing a free civil society. It is concluded that all the reforms carried out in our country are for the benefit of the people, in order to improve the quality of human life.
Keywords: new Uzbekistan, development strategy, quality of life, civil society, reform.

“I am sure that having united for the sake of sustainable development and a wonderful future for our beloved Motherland, we will direct all our strength and energy, knowledge and experience to the effective use of this opportunity, the achievement of our great, noble goals”.

Sh.M. Mirziyoyev


Everyone knows that over the years of independence, our country has gone through a long historical path of building a new state and society, has reached high milestones thanks to the unbending will and huge potential of our courageous and noble people[1]. Huge work was done in a short time, which we can be proud of before foreign countries. In particular, almost all state administration bodies were transformed. The foundations of modern statehood have been laid, and a constitutional order has been formed. Three independent branches of government — legislative, executive and judicial[2]. A constitutional state has been built in the full sense of the word. The Armed Forces have been created capable of reliably protecting the sovereignty and independence of the country, the inviolability of its borders, the peaceful life of our people and its national interests. The national currency — soum — has been introduced, and gold and foreign exchange reserves have been formed. Our ancient history, rich cultural heritage, national identity and spiritual values have been revived[3].

In recent years, thanks to our current President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, a lot has been done, our country has taken one of the leading places in the world community. In 2017, an action strategy was adopted in five priority areas for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, within the framework of which tremendous work has been done over the past period to improve various areas of the life of our people. The action strategy implemented in 2017 on the initiative and idea of ​​the Head of State, which sets as its main goal the comprehensive development of Uzbekistan, its place among the leading democratic states of the world and a worthy place on the world stage, was highly appreciated by the international community, authoritative expert experts, government and public figures, political scientists as the main priority document for the development of the country in the near future. The Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 identifies five priority areas for the development of Uzbekistan, each of which reflects specific measures to further deepen and ensure the effectiveness of democratic reforms at a new stage in the country.

In order to radically reform all spheres of life of society and the state, as part of the action strategies for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, 300 laws and more than 4 thousand decisions of the President of the country were adopted by the country’s legislation. A lot has been done to ensure human rights, strengthen the accountability and openness of state bodies, increase the transparency of the work of state bodies, and increase the role of the media and civil society institutions.

January 29, 2022 in order to determine the priority areas of reforms aimed at further improving the welfare of the people, transforming sectors of the economy, accelerated development of entrepreneurship, unconditional provision of human rights and interests, formation of an active civil society, in subsequent years based on the principle «In the name of honor and dignity person” with an in-depth analysis of the complex world processes and the results of the past stages of development of the country, the President of the country Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev decided to approve the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022, developed as a result of a wide public discussion based on the principle “From the Action Strategy to the Development Strategy” — 2026 years. The above strategy includes 7 directions, such as:

  1. building a humane state by increasing the honor and dignity of a person and further developing a free civil society;
  2. The transformation of the principles of justice and the rule of law into a fundamental and necessary condition for the development of the country;
  3. accelerated development of the national economy and ensuring high growth rates[4];
  4. implementation of a fair social policy, development of human capital;
  5. ensuring spiritual development and raising this area to a new level;
  6. approach to global problems based on national interests;
  7. strengthening the security and defense potential of the country, maintaining an open, pragmatic and active foreign policy[5].

The question is, what will it give us?

Within the framework of this strategy, the following goals are envisaged:

Expanding the powers of mahallas and strengthening their financial independence in order to solve the socio-economic problems of the territories directly on the spot. Ensuring the participation of citizens in the life of their mahalla and direct dialogue between state bodies and mahallas, digitalization of processes aimed at working with the population in mahallas. Strengthening control over the activities of local executive authorities by forming in the Kengashes of people’s deputies a deputy corps acting on a permanent basis, expanding their powers. Improving the legal framework for eliminating corruption factors in the civil service, recruiting personnel on a competitive basis and evaluating the effectiveness of their activities. Implementation of the «National Rating» system according to the assessment system based on key performance indicators (KPI) of the activities of civil servants and government bodies.

Strengthening the guarantees of inviolability and protection of private property, strict enforcement of property rights, including rights to land. Determining the priority of private property as a basic principle, including the introduction of a system for protecting the rights of a person who has acquired real estate, based on official information from a state body. Ensuring labor, social and other internationally recognized rights of convicts and those who have served their sentences, introducing effective mechanisms to promote their social adaptation and reintegration into society, establishing joint activities of institutions of the state and society in this direction[6].

 An increase in gross domestic product per capita in the next five years by 1.6 times by ensuring consistently high growth rates in sectors of the economy, bringing it to 4,000 US dollars per capita by 2030 and creating prerequisites for entering the category » upper middle income countries. Ensuring macroeconomic stability and gradually reducing the annual inflation rate to 5 percent by 2023. Reducing the state budget deficit, ensuring its size from 2023 at a level of no more than 3 percent of GDP. Allocation of at least 5 percent of the budget of each district to solving the most pressing problems identified on the basis of proposals from the population within the framework of the Citizens’ Budget program.

Creation of the possibility of training a specific profession for each citizen at the expense of the state. Increasing the scale of vocational training by 2 times, training 1 million unemployed citizens in professions and bringing the participation of non-state educational institutions in this process to 30 percent. Transfer to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the issues of systematic occupation of vocational education in full. Double the scale of vocational training, vocational training for 1 million unemployed citizens. Implementation of a system of state assistance in acquiring at least one profession by graduates of general education schools who have expressed a desire to learn a profession.

The transformation of a healthy worldview and creation in society into a nationwide movement through the widespread promotion of the idea «From Action Strategy to Development Strategy», based on the principles of goodness and humanism. Implementation of the Concept «New Uzbekistan — an enlightened society». Organization of legal and educational events to form a legal culture among the population in combination with the study of the rich history, scientific and cultural heritage, national and religious values ​​of our people[7].

Prevention of existing environmental problems that are harmful to the health and gene pool of the population. Promotion of initiatives in the field of the environment in the international arena, including the development of the World Environmental Charter. Implementation of a system for taking samples automatically from polluting sources of objects with a high level of danger of environmental impact (category I). Improving the mechanisms for assessing the level of environmental pollution, monitoring the environment, predicting the level of its pollution, constantly providing information to state environmental control, monitoring the state of polluting sources and their impact on the environment.

Further strengthening of the rights of citizens in the field of freedom to receive and disseminate information[8]. Development of a draft of a single systematized normative legal act regulating the sphere of information. Increasing the culture of citizens using information and communication means. Prevention of violation of the right of inviolability associated with the publication of personal and confidential data on the Internet. Creation of a cybercrime prevention system, etc.

At the end of all of the above, I would like to say that all the reforms carried out in our country are for the benefit of the people, in order to improve the quality of human life.

[1] Махмудова Г. Н. Анализ и стратегия развития банковской системы Узбекистана в условиях цифровизации экономики //π-Economy. – 2021. – Т. 14. – №. 1. – С. 47-57.



[4] Ibratova F. BANKRUPTCY OF A LIQUIDATED BUSINESS ENTITY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS //Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. – 2021. – Т. 2021. – С. 45.

[5] Борисов Д. А. Внешняя политика Узбекистана при Ш. Мирзиёеве: стратегия и практика //Tempus et Memoria. – 2019. – Т. 14. – №. 2/188. – С. 130-139.

[6] Ibratova F. Foreign Practice of Use of Mediation on Collective Labor Disputes //American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research. – 2022. – Т. 3. – №. 10. – С. 57-62.

[7] Узбекистан У. П. Р. О стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан //№ УП-4947 от. – 2017. – Т. 7.

[8] Мирзиёева С. Ш. Анализ опыта Узбекистана по разработке стратегий развития страны и регионов //Управленческое консультирование. – 2019. – №. 3 (123). – С. 49-61.


1. Борисов Д. А. Внешняя политика Узбекистана при Ш. Мирзиёеве: стратегия и практика //Tempus et Memoria. – 2019. – Т. 14. – №. 2/188. – С. 130-139.
2. Ibratova F. BANKRUPTCY OF A LIQUIDATED BUSINESS ENTITY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS //Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. – 2021. – Т. 2021. – С. 45.
3. Ibratova F. Foreign Practice of Use of Mediation on Collective Labor Disputes //American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research. – 2022. – Т. 3. – №. 10. – С. 57-62.
4. Ibratova F. B. The Concept and Characteristics of Bankruptcy Procedures for Business Entities With the Status of a Legal Entity //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2022. – Т. 20. – С. 143-147.
5. Махмудова Г. Н. Анализ и стратегия развития банковской системы Узбекистана в условиях цифровизации экономики //π-Economy. – 2021. – Т. 14. – №. 1. – С. 47-57.
6. Мирзиёева С. Ш. Анализ опыта Узбекистана по разработке стратегий развития страны и регионов //Управленческое консультирование. – 2019. – №. 3 (123). – С. 49-61.
9. Узбекистан У. П. Р. О стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан //№ УП-4947 от. – 2017. – Т. 7.