The project of an automated lighting system for a suburban area based on equipment from Russian manufacturers

UDC 62-52
Publication date: 03.01.2025
International Journal of Professional Science №1(2)-25

The project of an automated lighting system for a suburban area based on equipment from Russian manufacturers

Gabdullin Eldar Khaidarovich,
Konovalova Vera Konstantinovna,

1. Master's student of the Department of Information and Measurement
Technologies of Control Systems,
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Higher School of Technology and Energy
2. Assistant of the Department of Management and Law,
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Higher School of Technology and Energy
Abstract: This study examines the development of an automated lighting system for a country or garden plot. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of such a system. A well-founded selection of components is also presented, including a controller, an astronomical relay, a motion sensor, a light sensor, and the lighting devices themselves, necessary for the effective functioning of the system. In conclusion, an algorithm for designing an automated lighting system is described.
Keywords: light sensors, motion sensors, relays, lighting devices, controller, automation, automated lighting system for a country plot.

In contemporary society, the acquisition of country plots and the construction of private homes are widespread trends. These spaces are subsequently used for recreation or primary residence, with a strong emphasis on creating optimal living environments. The integration of automated systems plays a key role in achieving this goal. “Smart home” systems, offering parameters such as lighting, temperature, and shading control, in addition to lawn watering and audio notification capabilities, are frequently employed. This research investigates one particular aspect of these systems, namely, the development of an automated lighting system for rural properties, utilizing domestically produced components (Fig. 1).

The implementation of an automated lighting system yields a number of significant advantages. Energy conservation is a primary benefit, resulting in considerable long-term cost reductions due to the system’s energy-efficient, on-demand operation. Furthermore, enhanced security is provided through the simulation of human presence, discouraging unauthorized access to the property [1]. Aesthetically, the system serves as an effective landscaping feature, enhancing convenience and safety, especially during periods of reduced daylight hours, such as autumn and winter evenings.

Figure 1. Country plot with automated lighting system

Despite its advantages, automated lighting systems present certain challenges. Component failure rates necessitate regular maintenance and troubleshooting, leading to increased operational costs. The initial investment and ongoing maintenance expenses can be substantial. Effective design is crucial to meet expectations, requiring careful consideration of individual lighting needs for various areas on the property to avoid overloading the electrical system, which poses both financial and safety risks. 3D modeling is frequently employed to optimize the design process. To realise this automated lighting system the necessary equipment from domestic manufacturers was selected. The main step in the development of an automated lighting system of the site is the choice of controller [2].

The most common controller domestic production — controller OWEN PLC200 (Fig. 2). This controller has the following basic characteristics:

— supply voltage from 10 to 48 V;

— power consumption is not more than 13 W;

— central processor — RISC-processor Texas Instruments Sitara AM3358, 800 MHz;

— flash memory capacity — 512 Mbytes (NAND) — available for storing files and archives, the amount of RAM — 256 Mbytes (DDR3);

— overall dimensions (82 × 124 × 83) ±1 mm;

— average service life of 8 years;

— approximate cost of 65 000 rubles.

Figure 2. OWEN PLC200 Controller

In order for the lighting devices to start automatically at nightfall and switch off at dawn, a twilight relay (photo relay) is used as a light sensor. When a certain light level drops, the relay receives a signal and transmits it to the luminaires. For this system we have chosen photorelay FR-2M, which is manufactured by Meander (Fig. 3). Approximate cost of 3 000 rubles.

For automated lighting schedules unaffected by ambient light, an astronomical relay is a common choice. Users simply enter their location coordinates; the relay’s microprocessor then calculates sunrise and sunset times for automated on/off switching.

For this system was chosen astronomical relay REV-225, which is produced by Novatek-Elektro. It has the following technical parameters: moulded battery (service life 3 years), easy adjustment, LCD display, one channel, double module, operating voltage from 130 to 280 V, power consumption not more than 1.3 W, 1 switching contact, protection degree of the device — IP20 (Fig. 4). Approximate cost of 4 000 rubles.

Figure 3. Photo relay FR-2M of Meander company

For the greatest convenience, a time relay is added to this system. When the owner of the plot arrives home by car and switches on the lighting devices, so that these devices switch themselves off after a certain time. In this case an electronic relay will be used. Thanks to quartz frequency stabilisation and time synchronisation via internet or radio, the electronic relay is very accurate. Achievements in the field of the small size, rather low power consumption and internal power supplies have ensured the microelectronics industry [3]. However, the choice of this relay is one of the most expensive. The relay Veha DD from the manufacturer Veha is the leader in the market of temporary relays, as it is in the greatest demand among users (Fig. 5). Approximate cost of 6 000 rubles.

Astronomical relays are a common solution for implementing automated lighting schedules that are not contingent on ambient light. The user inputs their geographic coordinates, and the relay’s built-in microprocessor then determines the daily times of sunrise and sunset, allowing for time-based automatic lighting control [4].

Figure 4. Astronomical relay REV-225 made by Novatek-Elektro

Figure 5. Microcontroller time relay Veha DD

However, a bird flying past the sensor or a dog running past the sensor will not trigger the sensor, as the user sets a certain object size to which the sensor will react.

Budget motion sensor Navigator NS-IRM04-BL is well suited for the development of automated lighting, as it has excellent technical characteristics: delay time off from 10 s to 4 min, range — 12 m, maximum viewing angle — 180 degrees, illuminance — from 5 to 2000 lx, operability at temperatures from -26 to 45 degrees, the degree of protection of the sensor — IP44. The motion sensor is installed at a height of 2-2.5 m (Fig. 6). Approximate cost of 2 000 rubles.

The next step is to select the lighting fixtures. The number of fixtures depends on the size of the plot and the area to be lit. Today there is a wide range of lighting sources lighting:

— Facade. Often used in groups, illuminate not only the walls of the house and buildings, but also separately can highlight the door, porch or balcony.

Figure 6.  Motion sensor Navigator NS-IRM04-BL.

— Wall-mounted and wall and ceiling-mounted. Includes facade and other models, they are hung on walls and ceilings, often used in semi-open structures.

— Landscape. Used mainly for decorative solutions, which are limited only by the imagination of designers.

— Suspended. This type of lighting source is usually hung on special poles.

— Ground. Most often illuminate paths and paths of the site, installed in the ground.

— Spotlights. Combine security and lighting.

— Built-in. Models of this type can be used quite varied, embedded in curbs, steps, tiles it all depends on the imagination.

— Garden, architectural garlands. These economical and reliable LED devices are stretched outdoors, mainly as decoration.

For this automated lighting system, the following lighting sources were selected facade and landscape lighting sources. After installation of the selected relays and light fittings, the equipment is connected to the controller [5]. The controller is usually installed in the house or in a separate structure on the site structure on the site. Through it, the lighting can be controlled remotely, that is an additional convenience when installing an automated lighting system.

The purchase of all automation equipment will cost approximately 80 000 rubles. As a result of the arrangement of equipment described above was assembled an automated system of outdoor lighting of the countryside site, which meets all the requirements of the customer: maximum illumination of the territory, ensuring safety and saving of electricity.


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