Аннотация: The article presents a study related to the study of ways to solve problems in younger students. A total of 145 second, third, and fourth grade students participated in the study's group experiments. Children solved the problems of the author's modification of the "Game of Five" methodology in a visual-figurative form. It was shown that with age, by a statistically significant amount, the number of children solving problems in a general (meaningful) way increases, and the number of children solving problems in a private (formal) way decreases less significantly.
Ключевые слова: second graders, third graders, fourth graders, technique "Game of five", general and particular ways of solving problems.
Статья в сборнике научных трудов по материалам конференции (форума) «International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Research: Discoveries and Innovations for Overcoming Global Challenges»