Assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of municipal programs in the construction department of the city administration of Omsk

Дата публикации: 04.09.2020

Assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of municipal programs in the construction department of the city administration of Omsk

Demyanov V. G.
Аннотация: The transition of budget financing to the implementation of expenditures by the program-targeted method is actively being introduced into the practice of state and municipal administration. At the federal level, 43 National Programs have been developed and are being implemented, divided into 5 main areas. The application of this method at the municipal level is experiencing a number of methodological problems, both in implementation and in assessing their effectiveness. Determination of indicative performance indicators cannot fully show how much a particular program has been executed and determine which of them can be attributed to effective, and which only statistically reflect the performance of financial and economic indicators.
Ключевые слова: municipal programs, efficiency, budget execution, target indicators.
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