Пушкарёва А.А.. «Образ русской природы в творчестве С.М. Слонимского на примере хора «О, Север мой!» из цикла «Два северных пейзажа…»»
Gladkaya I.S.. «Formulas of Speech Etiquette in the Speech of Adolescents (on the Example of the Dramatic Works of Yaroslav Stelmakh)»
Egorova V.A., Saltyk G.A.. «Spiritual and moral education of students in the lessons of world art culture (from work experience)»
Surin S.S., Snigur G.L.. «Expression of cyclin-dependent kinases in pancreatic islets during experimental hyperglycemia»
Polnikova K.. «Development and experimental evaluation of a medicinal anthelmintic agent of the benzimidazole group»