Toigambayev S. K., Bukanov E. S. Sokerin V.A.. «Determining the need for technological equipment for plant maintenance»
Toigambayev S. K., Abenov A.T.. «Determining the number of write-offs and maintenance per vehicle per cycle for the enterprise»
Kuranov Alexander Sergeevich, Fedorov Andrey Sergeevich. «Overview of NB-IoT Core Network and Devices optimization»
Kuranov Alexander Sergeevich, Fedorov Andrey Sergeevich. «Research of the IoT Devices load impact on the Mobile Network Core»
Markosyan Zaruhi Samvelovna Kozhevnikov Vitaly Vladimirovich Chernykh Ekaterina Alekseevna Shchetinina Nadezhda Alexandrovna. «Smart clinic the future in healthcare»
Barannik Alexander Sergeevich. «Comparative analysis of the End of the World based on the «Divination of the Velva» of the Elder Edda and the «Revelation of John the Theologian» of the New Testament»
Kharitonov Andrey Leonidovich. «Circular Morphological Features of the Earth Crust Structure of the Long East region of Russia and its oil and gas prospects»