Accounting documents and their archival storage in Russia and China

Дата публикации: 05.06.2020

Accounting documents and their archival storage in Russia and China

Xin Xiaotong
Tchaikovskaya L.A.
Аннотация: Accounting documents make up 80% of the organization’s total workflow. Storage, as well as the timely destruction of accounting documents, is an urgent task for many accountants. During the work of the organization, many primary documents are accumulated. They need to be collected, stored, and not one can be thrown out prematurely.
Accounting archives is an important part of the national Archive and an important archive of each unit. It is a record and reflection of the economic activity of a unit. Through these accounting archives one can understand all the inputs and outputs of each economic transaction; you can check whether the unit complies with the law of financial activity. If there are any frauds, violations of laws and disciplines in accounting materials, accounting archives can also provide detailed economic information for the country and its departments and provide a certificate for the country to formulate macroeconomic policies and departments for making economic decisions.
Ключевые слова: Аccounting document, shelf life of accounting documents, accounting Archives.
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