Subjective social well-being of university teachers and students

Дата публикации: 13.04.2021

Subjective social well-being of university teachers and students

Tvorogova N.D.
Kuleshov D.V.
Аннотация: The topic of the article is highly relevant in the context of the Federal Target Program of Education Development for 2016-2020, in which the objectives of developing health-saving technologies in education and the cultivation of health values and healthy lifestyle values are singled out as main ones. In 2003-2004, N.D.Tvorogova carried out scientific research according to plans of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE) in the field of health-saving educational technologies (the research topic was recognized as a priority). In the published encyclopedic dictionary “Clinical Psychology”, we (Tvorogova N.D., 2016) consider the subjective well-being of a person in the context of their health.
This article examines the problem of saving the physical health of university students and teachers by maintaining their subjective social well-being, which implies ensuring an interdisciplinary approach in preventive medicine. The article presents the results of an empirical research of the influence of students’ subjective social well-being and mental well-being on their physical health. Student’s trust in their teachers is considered as one of the factors of the student’s subjective social well-being; the factors of students’ trust in their university teachers are revealed. The data on the teachers’ subjective assessment of their social well-being are provided.
To maintain individual health, not only a healthy lifestyle (as it is understood by physicians) is important, but also autogenic management (AM) of a person, aimed at mastering sanogenic (health-improving) behaviour (SB); the terms AM and SB were introduced by N.D. Tvorogova.
A public-state approach is required, aimed at increasing the interest of not only medical staff, but also employees of educational institutions, etc. in organizing and implementing of a set of measures to manage the socio-psychological conditions for the functioning of educational process participants. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin, in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 10, 2006, instructed: “… to focus on solving the most important problems for the country…“saving the people”.
Ключевые слова: sociopsychosomatics, subjective social well-being, sanogenic behaviour, students
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