The role of a foreign language in modern life

Publication date: 30.11.2022
International Journal of Professional Science №10-2022

The role of a foreign language in modern life

Balakishiyeva Vafa Tofig kyzy
English teacher
Mingachevir State University
Department of Foreign Languages
Abstract: English is used for more purposes than ever. It is closely related to economic modernization and industrial development. Companies compete fiercely for customers while employees compete with each other for their jobs, Student's entry into a professional language environment certainly contributes to the intensification. The English language is rich in scientific and technical features. Foreign languages, especially many of these special words, are related to international words. In order to educate students' interest in the subject of "Foreign language" and to form them, the teacher should not interfere in the motivation field of students, but should learn to control it. The teacher should think about the problem of continuous formation. Motivation among students plays an important role as one of the main tasks of their activity.
Keywords: plunge into an incomprehensible world, a unique development of foreign language courses, People who run their own business, The process of learning a foreign language, Learning a foreign language, Knowing a foreign language will help you in your career.

In today’s world, learning a foreign language is one of the most important components of a modern, successful person. Knowing at least one foreign language broadens a person’s outlook, allows to learn the culture and traditions of other peoples. It seems that every person wants to be successful in business. And in this case, knowing a foreign language can still be very useful. Firstly, this is additional knowledge, and secondly, employers are more willing to hire a specialist who speaks a foreign language. The main point is the opportunity to plunge into the mysterious and incomprehensible world, it is the opportunity to communicate with people with a different worldview and mentality.

It is common to learn English as the international equivalent of communication. But this does not reduce the importance of learning other foreign languages. Perhaps someone will be angry and say that not everyone can learn a foreign language. Yes! Unfortunately, the ability of each society is bright individual, someone has a tendency to exact sciences, someone has a more humanistic thinking. But, of course, every person has abilities, and hardly anyone would disagree with this fact. The most important thing is to develop, nourish and strengthen these abilities. There are many ways to learn foreign languages ​​today. You can be offered an individual approach and a unique development of foreign language lessons. Of course, navigating the endless stream of information alone can be overwhelming. Choosing from all that modern technology has to offer can be overwhelming. However, there are more standard ways of learning a language — it’s going to English courses, it’s visiting specialized educational institutions, and finally, these are lessons with a tutor. Anyone who wants to learn a foreign language can choose the most affordable and best option to learn the language they like the most. True, sometimes it is not really necessary to choose, and it is necessary to learn a certain language for some objective reasons, that is, there may be a desire to go to a certain country or to work in some kind of job where one of the conditions is present. Currently, English language plays an important role in various areas of life. This applies to entertainment, education, travel and professional activities. It goes without saying that knowing corporate English for business is a way to expand your opportunities, explore uncharted paths and make new business contacts. Why should people who run their own business know English? Many professions have a direct relationship with foreign languages, there are practically no restrictions. Even if the profession does not require mandatory ability to speak a second language, such knowledge can still be important for the employee himself, because they significantly expand the choice of available vacancies not only in your city and country. abroad [2]. For many, this is a big step towards achieving their professional goals and even starting their own business. You understand that by knowing a foreign language you can move up the career ladder, you can imagine everything you can do with language skills, where you can visit, what you can try and what you can come to, speak, write. Business English is more than just interviewing and CV writing. When you enter the business stream, you have to make presentations, negotiate, answer phone calls, write official letters and business correspondence, sign contracts, etc. Another specific feature of the business language is the level of professional knowledge, then it is necessary not only to know the name of the term, but also to understand it and use it correctly. In order to avoid a distorted interpretation of concepts, it is worth learning business English directly at the workplace or during education related to a narrow specialty [4]. Learning a foreign language is directly related to the change of the linguistic view of the world and the way of thinking of the individual. In order to understand a person who speaks another language at an elementary level, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and religious characteristics that we learn and accept along with grammar and vocabulary during the course of a foreign language [1]. And maybe knowing the basic level of spoken English is enough to say hello, book a room in a hotel, have dinner in a restaurant. But if you are an employee of an international company, a business coach, a future entrepreneur, you will have to deal with the use of «foreign» words every day in your professional activities. Words of foreign language origin are found in the field of supply, management, in the preparation of an advertising campaign, in showing the necessary characteristics of the range, in the study of accounting methodology, and in the experience of industrial and commercial enterprises. In particular, knowledge of the English language is important in evaluating the quality of products, conducting expertise, and compiling written characteristics of supplied products [3]. In the process of teaching this specialty, it is known that students have difficulty in using and interpreting the necessary economic terms. Teachers of the specialty «Commodity science and quality expertise of consumer goods» carry out work on the repetition of learned terms and the compilation of dictionaries containing professional terms in order to master and improve the quality of knowledge in order to acquire a future profession, which increases their level of knowledge.

The process of teaching a foreign language

English is being used for more purposes than ever. It is closely related to economic modernization and industrial development. Companies compete fiercely for customers while employees compete with each other for their jobs, Student’s entry into a professional language environment certainly contributes to the intensification. The English language is rich in scientific and technical features. Foreign languages, especially many of these special words, are related to international words.

In order to educate students’ interest in the subject of «Foreign language» and to form them, the teacher should not interfere in the motivation field of students, but should learn to control it.

The teacher should think about the problem of continuous formation. Motivation among students plays an important role as one of the main tasks of their activity.

As for international consulting companies, these are primarily the so-called ones.

Knowing three or four languages ​​in these companies will not surprise anyone: each of the companies has language centers where employees are trained in English, German, French and Russian. Depending on which group of experts from other countries he works with. Some positions require candidates to have written skills. However, the need to learn a foreign language is still very much in question. A large number of university students who do not speak a language, many students believe that a foreign language is necessary. A foreign language plays an important role in the formation of modern specialists, and knowledge has become a necessary part of professional training. To meet the high demands of modern society is not only to be a professional in your field, but also to be able to speak a foreign language fluently.

History of foreign language teaching.

The history of teaching foreign languages ​​goes back centuries. This field of education began to develop especially rapidly from the end of the 19th century, when, due to known socio-historical processes, there was a need for a large number of people who knew one or more foreign languages. It was during this period (the end of the 19th century — the beginning of the 20th century) that an independent field of pedagogical science — the psychology of foreign language teaching — was formed. In the works on the history of foreign language teaching methods, the following main method groups are distinguished:

  1. Translated (grammar and lexical topics)
  2. direct and natural method and their modifications;
  3. mixed methods;
  4. conscious-comparative and conscious-practical methods;
  5. communicative methods.

Thus, the purpose of the translation method was to teach students to read, that is, translation met the goal of teaching the vocabulary and grammar of a foreign language as the main way of explaining and mastering new material. Thus, in the practice of foreign language teaching, the language system was accepted as a global learning object until the first decades of the 20th century. A number of economic, political and social reasons have been determined to shift the emphasis from the language system to the speech activity as the main object of learning, to the speech behavior of a person in a foreign language. The «direct» or «administrative» method, which had dominated for more than a century, replaced the grammatical method of translation. The basic tenets of this method are still the basis on which education is built in most Western schools and foreign language courses.

Already at the end of the XIX century. In the works of M. Berlitz and F. Quinn, representatives of the natural method, and later representatives of the direct training method, new training methods were demonstrated and another practical goal was set. Now the main teaching method is not translation, but the example of oral speech, imitating it and memorizing it. The practice of speaking in a foreign language, speech acts (as the main object of learning) was most clearly manifested in the concept of the greatest linguist, the founder of structuralism in linguistics L. Bloomfield: «There is no connection between language knowledge and knowledge. Knowing a language is not a question of knowledge…Language knowledge is a matter of experience…Skill in a language is everything, and knowledge is nothing.» At the same time (beginning in the 1920s), psychology began to pay more and more attention to the conceptual and semantic aspects of phenomena. Accordingly, in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the main focus is on the internal factors that determine learning; Of these, there are more methods based on the active work of thinking and the development of semantic conjuncture. Although the formation of speech acts continues to be the focus of foreign psychology of foreign language teaching, the demand for their understanding is gaining more and more supporters. In contrast, according to the theory of conscious code acquisition, language acquisition is primarily the process of gaining conscious control over the phonological, grammatical, and lexical patterns of a second language through the conscious study and analysis of these patterns. This theory considers students’ understanding of the structures of a foreign language more important than their ability to operate these structures, as it is believed that if the student is sufficiently familiar with the structures of the language, operational skills are automatically developed. Analyzing the current situation in the modern practice of foreign language teaching, J. Carroll calls for a «deep revision of the existing theories of foreign language teaching in the light of modern achievements of psychological and psycholinguistic theory.» In a number of works by J. Carroll, P. Pimsler, U. Rivers and other authors, for more than ten years, the issue of changing the direction of learning from the speech behavior of a person to the student’s personality, the necessity of learning has been raised.

The role of foreign language in our life

After reading a lot of reference literature on the use of a foreign language in our lives, I learned that 1.5 billion people in the world speak English and another billion are learning it. Today, English is the third most spoken language, followed by Chinese and Spanish. India and China are ahead in terms of the number of people who use English as a second language. Knowing English, maybe the whole world will understand you, which shows the importance of the language. Foreign language is used in many areas of our life: Tourism, travel.

English is the language of international communication. If you like to travel, then knowing English will allow you to communicate freely in almost any country and read information signs without difficulty.

Business, career

English is the language of business and you need to know:

— business people who want to enter the international market;

— work in international companies;

— in employment, because today many companies closely cooperate with foreign mail.

English is used for more purposes than ever. It is closely related to economic modernization and industrial development. Companies compete fiercely for customers while employees compete with each other for their jobs, Student’s entry into a professional language environment certainly contributes to the intensification. The English language is rich in scientific and technical features. Foreign languages, especially many of these special words, are related to international words. In order to educate students’ interest in the subject of «Foreign language» and to form them, the teacher should not interfere in the motivation field of students, but should learn to control it. The teacher should think about the problem of continuous formation. Motivation among students plays an important role as one of the main tasks of their activity.


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