Interactive technologies in learning a foreign language at a university

UDC 378.147
Publication date: 20.02.2024
International Journal of Professional Science №2-1-2024

Interactive technologies in learning a foreign language at a university

Lashina Ekaterina N.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages,
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design.
Higher School of Technology and Energy
Abstract: The use of interactive technologies in foreign language classes at a university is described. The effectiveness of this technology in developing and improving the communicative competence of students in learning a foreign language is analyzed.
Keywords: interactive technologies, foreign language, communicative competence, educational process, interaction, communication.

At present, when the need for proficiency in foreign languages is increasingly realized, modern communication-oriented education prepares students to use a foreign language in both personal and professional communication. There are many forms and technologies of training that are effective in developing communicative competence.

One of these forms is non-standard forms of doing a class using interactive technologies, which help to increase motivation, relieve emotional tension and develop communicative competence and place the student’s personality, his capabilities and abilities, inclinations and needs at the center of the educational process. That is why interactive technology is a priority in foreign language class.

Modern interactive pedagogical technologies (IPT) include: dialogue communication, critical thinking, the ability to solve problems, make decisions, a comprehensive connection of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of a student’s personal qualities [1].

The concept of “interactive” means interaction or being in a conversation mode, dialogue with someone (a person) or something (for example, a computer). Interactive (from the English “inter” and “act”) technologies are technologies that allow you to learn to interact with each other; and interactive learning is learning based on the interaction of all students, including the teacher. Consequently, interactive learning is, first of all, dialogue learning, during which interaction between the teacher and the student takes place [2].

The meaning of interactive learning is that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in it, they have the opportunity to understand and reason about what they know and what they think. When using interactive technologies, the student becomes a full participant in the perception process, his experience serves as the main source of educational knowledge. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation [3].

When using interactive technologies, the teacher regulates the process and is engaged in its general organization, prepares the necessary tasks in advance and formulates questions or topics for discussion in groups, gives consultations, controls the time and order of implementation of the planned plan. Compared to traditional forms of conducting classes, in interactive learning the interaction between the teacher and the student changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of the students, and the teacher’s task becomes creating conditions for their initiative [4].

An interactive practical class in a foreign language combines the advantages of training under the guidance of a teacher, as well as the availability of various auxiliary technical multimedia tools for its implementation – a specialized audience equipped with computer equipment and modern means of public demonstration of visual and audio educational material.

In the case of a computer, along with information and cognitive content, interactive learning has an emotional overtone due to the use of computer training programs with video information, sound and animation elements.

The use of interactive technologies allows you to create digital aids and, as a result, increase the visibility and excitement of classes, visualize them using multimedia elements, which, unlike posters, can be adjusted as necessary. Also of no small importance is the fact that such visual aids are stored electronically and do not require much space in the laboratory premises.

Interactive tasks used in foreign language classes, in the presence of a computer and a projector, facilitate frontal questioning, when students take turns completing tasks on the computer, and the teacher and the group monitor what is happening on the screen or interactive board. When using this form of training, all students, regardless of their level of preparation and degree of activity in regular classes, strive to prove themselves. In such classes, the group turns into a single whole, and motivation to study the subject is increased.

Thus, the participation of the teacher, students and multimedia devices in the learning process at the same time significantly improves the quality of education. The use of the proposed methodology activates the teaching process, increases students’ interest in the discipline being studied and the effectiveness of the educational process, allowing one to achieve a greater depth of understanding of the educational material.

In addition, interactive learning simultaneously solves three problems:

− educational and cognitive (extremely specific);

− communication and development (related to the general emotional and intellectual background of the cognition process);

− social-orientation, the results of which appear outside the boundaries of educational time and space.

Interactive methods in teaching a foreign language make it possible to intensify the process of developing students’ communicative competence, analysis and synthesis of information when reading professionally oriented texts, assimilation and creative application of linguistic knowledge when solving practical problems of translating original literature in a foreign language. Efficiency is ensured through more active involvement in the process of not only obtaining, but also the direct use of knowledge. If the forms and methods of interactive learning are used regularly, then students develop productive skills in mastering information, the fear of making the wrong assumption disappears (since an error does not entail a negative assessment) and a trusting relationship is established with the teacher.

The use of interactive technologies increases the motivation and involvement of students in the development of individual communicative competence in a foreign language when solving discussed problems in the field of professional communication, which gives an emotional impetus to the subsequent search activity of students and encourages them to take specific actions. In interactive learning, everyone is successful, everyone contributes to the overall result of group work, the educational process becomes more meaningful and exciting.

Interactive learning forms the ability of students to think outside the box, to see a problem situation in their own way and ways out of it; justify your positions, your life values; develop such traits as the ability to listen to another point of view, the ability to cooperate, enter into partnerships, show tolerance, the necessary tact, and benevolence towards opponents in the process of jointly finding ways of interaction and searching for the truth.

Interactive activity in the process of teaching a foreign language ensures not only an increase in knowledge, the development of communication skills, methods of activity and communication, but also the discovery of new opportunities for students. Interactive teaching of a foreign language, as well as other disciplines, is a necessary condition for the development and improvement of various competencies of students through the inclusion of individual and collective activities in a meaningful experience to accumulate experience, awareness and acceptance of values [5].

The use of interactive technologies in foreign language classes involves active communication with the teacher and partners in educational activities, cooperation in the process of various kinds of cognitive and creative activity, monitoring the assimilation of knowledge and methods of cognitive activity, the ability to apply acquired knowledge, experience and value relations in various situations and can be built on the basis of operational feedback, which makes monitoring the level of knowledge and skills more flexible.

The introduction of an interactive mode provides certain advantages to various subjects of the educational process:

To a specific student:

− experience of active assimilation of educational material in interaction with the educational environment;

− development of personal reflection;

− mastering new experiences of educational interaction, experiences;

− development of tolerance.

To a study group:

− development of communication and interaction skills in a group;

− formation of value-oriented unity of the group;

− encouragement for a flexible change of social roles depending on the situation;

− adoption of moral norms and rules of joint activities;

− development of skills of analysis and self-analysis in the process of group reflection;

− development of the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to compromise.

To a “teacher-group” system:

− non-standard attitude to the organization of the educational process;

− multidimensional mastery of educational material;

− formation of motivational readiness for interpersonal interaction not only in educational, but also in other situations.

Thus, interactive learning has great educational and developmental potential and ensures maximum student activity in the educational process.

Using interactive technologies when teaching foreign languages, the teacher creates conditions for natural communication for students and provides more freedom for independent activity. The use of interactive technologies helps to obtain a sufficient amount of oral practice in the classroom to form and develop the necessary skills and abilities, and also increases internal motivation for learning the language.


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