Since the 1990s, Mongolia has transitioned from a planned economy to a free market. Since then, there have been major changes in the country’s society and economy. In this way, the foundations for the formation and development of a completely new socio-economic system based on market relations were laid in Mongolia. Changes and reforms taking place rapidly in the world have affected the social and economic development of countries. Along with this, the role of procurement has become increasingly important.
When the country’s budget is transformed into efficient consumption, purchasing activities will determine a completely new approach to social, economic and industrial development. The competitiveness of countries depends not on the number of people, the size of the territory, or natural resources, but on the effective use of their resources. Procurement began to play a significant role in this.
According to global experience, many countries have developed procurement policies that are suitable for their own characteristics and have achieved results. It plays a decisive role in the social and economic development of developed countries. However, for developing countries, it is one of the main ways to increase the rate of economic growth and overcome the backwardness.
In our country, since 2000, the government has been paying special attention to the formation of the legal basis for procurement and has developed and approved legal acts.
It is becoming very important to study the issue of effective management of purchasing activities, including the purchasing activities of state mining enterprises.
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