Subject-oriented teaching of the culture of foreign language speech communication

UDC 378.147
Publication date: 21.12.2024
International Journal of Professional Science №12-1-2024

Subject-oriented teaching of the culture of foreign language speech communication

Lashina Ekaterina N.,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages,
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design.
Higher School of Technology and Energy
Abstract: This article examines subject-oriented teaching of the culture of foreign language speech communication, which is a set of content, methods, forms and means, as well as a system of actions of subjects of the educational process, aimed at creating a set of conditions for teaching the culture of foreign language speech communication, capable of ensuring cognition, communication and the formation of the subjective position of the student's personality.
Keywords: subject-oriented teaching, guideline, communication, speech, foreign language, personality, subject, educational process.

Subject-oriented teaching of the culture of speech communication represents an innovative system as a set of interconnected and interacting with each other and with the environment elements necessary for the implementation of the functions of the culture of speech communication (informative-cognitive, value-oriented, communicative, stimulating, prognostic, reflexive), which is developed for the purpose of teaching communication in the context of the personal and professional development of the subject in the educational process. The innovativeness of this system is determined by the reliance in teaching the culture of speech communication on the independent orientation of students in the choice of significant goals and principles of activity based on existing and acquired experience and knowledge, stimulating the formation of their subject position in cognition and communication [1].

The structural components of subject-oriented teaching are:

  • subjects of the educational process (teachers and students);
  • goal;
  • approach;
  • patterns and principles;
  • content of teaching;
  • educational technology, including a set of methods, forms, means;
  • activities of subjects, during which knowledge, methods of action and development of personal qualities of students occur.

Subject-oriented teaching is characterized by the integrity of the structure, stability of behavior, has a certain structure and organization, is a dynamic formation, the dynamism of which is based on orienting activity to select the desired hierarchy in the system of reference points at the level of subsystems of different substrate organization.

Subjectivity is not inherent in the individual initially. When a person is included in the system of social relations, relationships, cooperation, he becomes a subject. A personal position and activity in the performance of activities are formed, the desire to become a subject of activity and the definition of ways to achieve goals, the attitude of the individual to the activity performed is determined. Teachers consider subjectivity in the conditions of the implementation of subject-subject relations. Dialogue between a teacher and a student, its formation in the conditions of equal interaction and cooperation and object-subject transformation of personality transform a person from an object under the influence of circumstances into a subject that controls circumstances [2].

In the context of subject-oriented teaching, the concept of «orientation» is characterized by the breadth of its use in describing pedagogical phenomena. Such concepts as «oriented» and «orientational» are often used as synonyms: personality-oriented process, orientation approach, orientation to success, etc. Such a broad interpretation is explained by the lack of a single scientific definition, although these concepts are not identical, since the passive participle «oriented» means the direction of an action towards someone, carried out by someone. The concept of «orientational» indicates the purposeful activity of the subject, carried out on the basis of the subjective position of the individual. Increasing the subjective and professional potential of the individual in the process of training at a university involves the choice of guidelines. The concept and semantic purpose of the guideline is associated with the establishment of relationships between the elements of the activity, their control, as well as the implementation of the necessary correction. Guidelines help the subject determine the personal meaning of the activity, which acquires a subjective-value character. From the point of view of the subject-oriented approach, guidelines are constructive in their essence, as they promote personal development and self-development. Guidelines in the process of training and education are built into hierarchical structures, ensuring an increase in the potential capabilities of the individual. Therefore, subject-oriented training is considered from the position of external conditions of the educational environment and internal ones, reflecting the transformation of the value relations of subjects to reality [3].

Guidelines are dynamic parameters that are built at different stages of speech communication into changing hierarchical structures. They ensure the transformation of the goal of communication into the motivations of the individual, allowing for an impact on his or her motivational sphere, inner world, and self-awareness. Therefore, the system-subject-orientation approach, as well as the basic concept of «guideline» for it, is considered from two points of view – external, associated with the creation of conditions for teaching the culture of speech communication, and internal, reflecting the change in the value relations of subjects in the teaching process, their personal development [1].

Guidelines-goals play a major role in solving the communicative-interactive task. They ensure the acceptance or independent setting of a goal in accordance with the motive of speech communication and moral choice. The result of achieving the set goal is determined by the correct attitude to the implementation of the communicative task, its importance and accessibility for students. The goal determines the methods and means of achieving it. Guidelines-principles imply consideration of the addressee, age and individual characteristics of communication partners, consideration of their interests, needs and value orientations, interpersonal relationships, as well as time and space conditions of communication.

Guidelines-knowledge act as a kind of information database required by students for successful solution of communicative-interactive tasks in a foreign language in the process of interaction. These include knowledge of language aspects (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar), knowledge of regional and linguistic regional studies, knowledge of phrasal cliches and formulas of speech etiquette, the language of non-verbal communication.

Guidelines-experience represent a generalized experience of solving search, cognitive, research, creative communicative-interactive tasks with people of different social status, age, gender, profession. These guidelines are characterized by a practical orientation, helping to overcome obstacles, bringing the joy of one’s own discovery and enriching the individual experience of solving communicative-interactive tasks in a foreign language.

Guidelines-incentives are of significant importance at the stage of pre-speech orientation, creating a positive attitude towards solving a communicative-interactive task. They give a sense of one’s own importance in finding a way to solve a given task, encourage self-analysis and self-assessment in accordance with the successes achieved. Guidelines- incentives contribute to the self-actualization of the student’s personality as a subject of foreign-language communication based on needs, interests, beliefs, and value orientations. Thus, the solution of communicative-interactive tasks within the framework of the subject-orientation approach is ensured by the system of guidelines presented above.

These guidelines reveal themselves as dynamic parameters that are built at different stages of students’ collective activity in solving communicative-interactive tasks into different hierarchical structures. Moreover, as practical experience shows, with their help it is possible to solve any communicative-interactive task – problematic, project, research or creative. Guidelines help students to plan and control their actions, choose the right course of action in the course of solving communicative-interactive tasks, make corrections and evaluate the achieved result from the position of its adequacy to the task [4, 5].

An exceptionally important feature of guidelines is that a guideline almost never reveals itself to a subject in a single composition; the main guideline in the form of an activity goal is supplemented by others, adjusted by human values, limited conditions, etc. From the point of view of the system-subject-orientation approach, the entire set of selected guidelines will be constructive in nature, contributing to personal development and improving the culture of verbal communication, only if it forms a system. In this case, we are talking about the interaction of two systems: «personality – system of guidelines». The systemic nature of the set of guidelines serves as a certain guarantor of the harmonization of personal development in the course of training. For teaching the culture of verbal communication, the semantic purpose of the guideline is especially relevant, associated with the analysis of a problem situation, establishing relationships between elements of the situation and their actual meanings, control and correction in the course of performing an activity. It is the guidelines that help the subject not only to realize the significance of the choice situation, but also to determine the personal meaning of the phenomena recorded, thus acquiring a subjective-value character. Guidelines provide the basis for self-determination in general and in each specific situation. The basis for the formation of attitudes is the process of «orientation», that is, the choice in the system of guidelines, which can have a concrete and abstract nature, a relatively stable and variable character. Having not one, but many guidelines, a person chooses from them a certain set of the most significant at the moment.

Thus, guidelines are dynamic parameters that are built at different stages of speech communication into changing hierarchical structures. Acting as an instrumental orientation basis for speech actions, they ensure the transformation of the goal of communication into the motivations of the individual himself, allowing an impact on his motivational sphere, inner world, self-awareness.

The quality of speech communication depends on the method of constructing the orientation stage, the type of orientation basis for actions. To teach the culture of speech communication, it is necessary for the student to independently construct a complete orientation basis for actions for each specific case using the system of guidelines given by the teacher. Correct and fast execution of speech action with the help of reference points in external speech form ensures its transfer to internal form at the stage of external speech to oneself. With such a high type of orientation, the student himself can determine the necessary reference points and show creativity in the situation of speech communication. Completeness and accuracy of mastering the reference basis of actions determine the perfection of the experience and activity of the individual in mastering the culture of speech communication and are of great importance for the successful acquisition of subject knowledge, for the most effective solution of educational and professional tasks of appropriating someone else’s experience. The opportunity to independently plan and carry out one’s speech communication, obtained in teaching the culture of speech communication, is realized in cognitive activity and ensures a socially significant result of the birth of the subject of activity [6].

Teaching the culture of foreign language speech communication, based on the principles of systematic formation of mental actions and concepts with predetermined properties, is of great importance for the successful acquisition of subject knowledge, for the most effective solution of educational and professional tasks. At the present stage of training future specialists, subject-oriented training is able to ensure the formation of professional experience in the context of value orientations, personal meanings. When implementing this approach, the focus on the formation of the subjective position of the individual becomes dominant.


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