Features of distance learning at the Voronezh State Medical University at the department of dermatovenerology

UDC 378.146.8
Publication date: 02.05.2023
International Journal of Professional Science №5-2023

Features of distance learning at the Voronezh State Medical University at the department of dermatovenerology

Harutyunyan Anna Aleksanovna
Markosyan Zarui Samvelovna
Kozhevnikov Vitaly Vladimirovich
Chernykh Ekaterina Alekseevna
Shchetinina Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Hayrapetyan Inessa Gegamovna

1. 6th year student of the Pediatric Faculty,
Voronezh State Medical University
2,3,4,5. Assistants of the Department of Healthcare Management
Voronezh State Medical University named after NN Burdenko
6. doctor, dermatovenerologist
Voronezh Regional Clinical Center of specialized types of medical care

Abstract: The article presents the features of the use of electronic educational resources and innovative technologies in teaching, education and training at a medical university.
Keywords: distance learning, higher medical education, innovative teaching methods.

The scientific approach to the organization of time is not a new problem. The history of working time planning is rooted in the distant past. Even 2000 years ago in ancient Rome, the famous thinker Seneca suggested dividing all time into useful, that is, good, bad and useless. The thinker said that, while living a certain period of time, it is necessary to evaluate it in terms of occupancy. In the further history of time management, these ideas formed the basis of such a concept as «personal effectiveness» [1].

Determination of the influence of professional training on the formation of the communicative competence of the individual was carried out in two directions: — firstly, the attitude of students to modern means of communication was studied; – secondly, a comparative analysis of the communicative abilities of students specializing in the social sphere and students associated with computer technology is presented [3].

Time dictates its own rules, and during the development of the coronavirus pandemic, modern society is rebuilding its existence into a mode of remote work, spending more time in isolation and self-isolation. Education has not been left out of this either. Due to the urgent need for distance learning, many universities have switched.

The COVID-19 pandemic, having hit the world, has changed the pace and rhythm of human life, affecting almost all areas: economic, spiritual, educational. The accelerated spread of the disease has forced the governments of all countries to transfer the educational process to distance learning. This situation has led to inequality in access to education. The consequences could be felt in the economy and society in the coming decades.” A significant part of the higher education institutions in the world have switched to distance learning. Today, distance learning is one of the world’s leading trends in education — this technology implements the principle of continuous education and is able to meet the growing demand for knowledge in the information society [2].

Classes for students were held not only in the usual training format, when the teacher gives material face to face, but also in a remote format in the Webinar program , using all available resources and technologies. Students connected to pre-scheduled conferences, at which teachers gave all the material, then this material was stored on the platform, and then was available on the university portal, and those students who for some reason could not attend the class could at any time convenient for time to listen and watch the video recording of the lesson.

The distance learning process uses a combination of both the best traditional methods and innovative tools. At the same time, there is an active introduction of forms of education based on computer, innovative technologies. Distance learning is an electronic version of full-time or distance learning, which is based on adaptation to traditional forms of classes [5]. There is an increase in the active role of the student in their own education: setting educational goals, choosing the dominant areas, forms and courses of study [4]. This gives students the opportunity to communicate with professional teachers, with peers, to receive advice from high-level specialists, regardless of their territorial location. Then they have access to any information they are interested in.

Distance learning is a form of education, the result of which is the transfer of a significant amount of information from a teacher to a student using modern information technologies: computer communications, telecommunications, communications. The effectiveness of such training directly depends on the teacher, as he must master modern pedagogical information technologies, be ready to work with students in the new information space. Thus, certain advantages and disadvantages of distance learning can be identified. The advantages of such training include: high efficiency of professional training; independence of the student from the territorial location of the university, which gives him the opportunity to simultaneously study both in Russian and in a foreign language. The disadvantages of distance learning include: the student’s lack of constant access to information sources, each student must have a personal computer, and not just a smartphone, on the screen of which it is difficult to see photos and videos shown by teachers; lack of practical training, which requires high-quality equipment; lack of constant control; there is no direct communication between teacher and student; there is no individual approach to learning; students do not always have the self-discipline, awareness and autonomy that are necessary for distance learning. It also happens that the tasks offered to the student to test knowledge are performed by his friends. The main difficulty is to force yourself to study.

The Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of VSMU faced such advantages and disadvantages of distance learning . With the announcement of quarantine, education at VSMU, as in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation, was carried out remotely. This made it possible to extend training with a reduction in the risk of viral infection of all participants in the educational process. The organization of distance learning was carried out using the Webinar platform and the MOODLE educational portal VSMU, which has been actively used by both students and teachers for many years. Work programs, lecture presentations, materials for preparing for lectures and practical exercises, as well as methodological instructions for practical exercises are available on it. During practical classes, teachers showed students photographs of the studied organs in macro and micro photography, focusing on the features of their structural organization, studied the characteristics of diseases, the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment. For a better assimilation of the topic of the lesson, situational tasks, clinical cases, videos were considered and discussed, and test tasks were also solved. Participants of the educational process also communicated with each other via videoconference. Knowledge control was carried out using the “testing” tab, where students took tests, and teachers evaluated the results. Conclusions and further prospects: thus, the introduction of distance learning at the Department of Dermatovenereology with courses in dermatovenereology and cosmetology at the Voronezh State Medical University, in connection with the global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, was carried out promptly and in an organized manner. The high-quality developments of university teachers and programmers made it possible to quickly adapt to the new conditions for the provision of educational services and gave students the opportunity to acquire knowledge in a quality manner under quarantine.


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