False memories create a semantic basis for truthful statements and written messages

UDC 37
Publication date: 03.04.2023
International Journal of Professional Science №4-2023

False memories create a semantic basis for truthful statements and written messages

Simakov A.I.
Abstract: The article considers the mechanisms of achieving the goals of speech communication and protection of the national language on the basis of a system analysis. Continuous competition in the closed semantic circuit "truth-lie-obscurity" in the human brain's own information space is the result of a struggle for dominance between internal and external information, between a behavioral personality that tends to prioritize external information and a semantic personality that tends to prioritize internal information. This is what leads to the fact that true and false memories are simultaneously present in speech, which then become the semantic basis of statements and written messages.
The intrigue of the brain inventing false memories is based on the fact that false memories create, like true ones, the basis for the brain to create functional statements and written messages to influence the interlocutor. No matter how improbable his own false memories may seem to the brain, the brain will use them to create its real statements and written messages, because the search and reproduction of true memories from memory requires significantly more energy by the brain to recognize true words in their multidimensional semantic use.
Inventing false memories by the brain generates, as a rule, only positive emotions in a person…
Keywords: The emergence of the "Idea of design" of false memories. The formation of the "Realized plan" of these false memories on the basis of the "Idea of the plan". The selection (search) of words by the brain and combining them into the composition "Meaning-Image-Context" of the text describing these false memories. Brain work with the words of the text of the "Realized plan". Repeated multiple reconciliation of the "Realized idea" of false memories with the "Idea of the idea", which makes appropriate verbal changes to the composition of the "Meaning-Image-Context" of the text. False memories are the result of literary and artistic creativity.

Continuous competition in the closed semantic circuit «truth-lie-obscurity» in the human brain’s own information space is the result of a struggle for dominance between internal and external information, between a behavioral personality that tends to prioritize external information and a semantic personality that tends to prioritize internal information. This is what leads to the fact that true and false memories are simultaneously present in speech, which then become the semantic basis of statements and written messages.

The need initiated by a behavioral personality to extract semantic events already known to a person from memory triggers the mechanism for the brain to create truthful memories similar, but not identical to the information stored in memory about it.

The need initiated by the semantic personality to invent false memories, that is, semantic events that are absent from memory, triggers the mechanism of creating false memories by the brain in the same order as the texts of statements and written messages are created:

  • the emergence of the «Idea of the plan» of false memories;
  • the formation of these false memories on the basis of the «Realized plan» on the basis of the «Idea of the plan»;
  • selection (search) of words by the brain and combining them into a composition «Meaning-Image-Context» of the text describing these false memories;
  • brain work with the words of the text «Realized idea», repeated reconciliation with the «Idea of the idea», which makes appropriate verbal changes to the composition «Meaning-Image-Context» of the text of false memories and becomes the completion of literary and artistic invention of false memories.

By repeating the cycle of inventing false memories repeatedly, the brain can achieve such a jeweler’s use of words reproduced from memory, as a result of which false memories become convincingly true for it.

To understand the process of inventing false memories, it is proposed to use a semantic formula composed in the artistic form of poetic conciseness. The formula suggests the following order and content of the brain’s speech thought processes when creating false memories:

Ah, these false memories,

As if not about that, not about myself,

Like instant confessions

In love with a mysterious fate,

As if the path is where the abyss is,

As if truthfulness instead of lies,

As if from the future news,

As if from childhood mirages…


Stage 1: «Ah, these false memories…»

This expression means that the brain understands the conditionality that exists between «truthful» and «false» memories, since the mechanism of memorization through semantic scanning of words, as well as the mechanism of extracting words from memory, is controlled by the semantic personality of a person who works in his own information space of the brain in conditions of continuously arising emotional hindrances from the behavioral personality of a person.


Stage 2: «As if not about that, not about myself»

This expression is associated with the primary identification by the brain of stable signs of the subject of memory. In the process of this identification, a vague and vague boundary arises between the division of words and their combinations, combined into an independent composition «Meaning-Image-Context», into those allegedly «true» memories, and those allegedly «false» memories. At the same time, the brain intensively searches for criteria for both «false» and «truthful» memories formed from diverse and multivalued semantic information extracted from memory. And in a fraction of a second, the brain finds a criterion on the basis of which it separately marks «false» memories and «true» memories, reserving the right to make a final choice of a semantic option that is comfortable for itself at the very last stage of memory formation.


Stage 3: «Like instant confessions…»

Illustrates the activity of the «Recognition» criterion. It should be noted that at this stage of creating false memories, in fact, the reservation «as if …» becomes superfluous. The word «confession» has the magical power of suggestion. The word «instantaneous» gives confessions an absolute and already non-reasoned semantic functional influence on the content of false memories. Any kind of a person’s own confessions, both voiced and written, as well as not yet voiced and not yet written, are stored in the brain’s own information space in individual isolated semantic zones. Any «recognition» of a person, especially to himself, expends such an amount of energy and emotions, both positive and negative, that there can be no question of any verbal revision of confessions. This means that the «Meaning-Image-Context» compositions of confessions act selectively on the semantic personality, without editing and irreversibly.




Stage 4: «In love with a mysterious fate»

This expression, that is, instant declarations of love for a mysterious fate, automatically mean for a person the acceptance of this fate, in whatever semantic form and at whatever time period of a person’s life, his fate would not be formed. In the personal information space of the human brain, the role of fate is played by a semantic personality, not a behavioral personality, although the latter is constantly trying to change the current scenario of a person’s current life.


Stage 5: «Like a path where there is an abyss»

This expression illustrates a set of such cases in a person’s life when he, in a way that is difficult to explain to him, saves himself or avoids destructive effects on himself, including individual speech characteristics.


Stage 6: «How would truthfulness instead of lies»

This expression is reminiscent of the «truth/lie» dualism that accompanies almost every statement and written message. It is believed that true memories are, as it were, simply reproduced by the brain from memory using mechanisms for copying and/or extracting what has been preserved in memory in relation to events in which a person participated or witnessed them. The semantic personality of a person actively intervenes in the process of extracting information from memory, and this leads to the fact that both false memories of «semantic events», in which a person was allegedly a participant, and true memories of semantic events, in which he was actually a participant, are created in the same way, going through the same stages of thinking. This means that false memories, after they acquire a stable semantic composition «Meaning-Image-Context», become, with the participation of a semantic personality, as natural to the brain as true memories directly related to a person’s behavioral personality.


Stage 7: «As if from the future news»

This expression means that in the process of inventing false memories, the human brain does not turn to its past, although it has numerous words and countless variants of their applied use, but to the future, the words from which give additional «truthfulness» to false memories.




Stage 8: «As if from childhood mirages …»

This expression illustrates the speed and ease with which the brain creates false memories in its own information space. It is also necessary to take into account that when reproducing from memory, it does not matter by what mechanisms reliable (truthful) information about real events in the past, the brain introduces into the textual structure of these memories individual semantic features of the speech description of these events, that is, the speech formation of the composition «Meaning-Image-Context» of statements about these events, the texts of which they can be analyzed for dominance within the «truth-lie-ambiguity» complex of one or another component, for example, truth or falsehood. It is the semantic personality of the brain that makes additions and changes to the texts of utterances, which in their form are of an editorial nature, and in their essence give significant semantic shades of lies to truthful memories, and shades of truth to false memories. This is especially evident in speech mirages.

The semantic criteria listed above are directly related to semantic uncertainties that the brain overcomes in the process of creating false memories. Each stage of mental activity, characteristic of the listed eight semantic stages, has its own processes of working with words that were previously scanned for placement in his memory, which are strictly individual for the brain of a particular person. Creating your false memories or trying to separate false memories from truthful ones in the statements and written messages of the interlocutor, you need to repeatedly remind yourself that there is nothing in speech communication except words with their fundamental and clear meaning and diverse applied use. Memories themselves, false and/or true, are not statements yet, but only a semantic basis for creating prototypes of texts of these statements that have a «Meaning-Image-Context» composition. After creating prototypes of utterances, the brain chooses the best one from the prototypes, as it seems to it, and voices this prototype, turning the utterance into an independently existing information product that can no longer be changed.

False memories differ from illusions, which occupy independent semantic niches in the brain’s own information space. The main criterion for distinguishing «memories» from «fantasies» is the origin and appearance of the subject of mental activity of the brain. The subject of memories is different from the subject of fantasies:

  • the subject of the memory forms the brain’s need to pull something more or less concrete out of memory, related to real semantic events and previously conducted speech communication;
  • the subject of fantasy is associated with the need for the brain to manifest the freedom of the semantic personality to use the artistic language.

Accordingly, to study the subject of memory, the brain uses mechanisms related to semantic analysis, and to study the subject of fantasy, the brain uses mechanisms for reproducing emotional impressions displayed in verbal and/or pictorial forms, which, as a rule, are necessarily accompanied by verbal reactions of internal speech.

Identifying signs of false memories is a more difficult task than identifying signs of lies in statements or written messages. The introductory conversation of the polygraph operator with the subject of testing does not allow, in its content and form, to conduct a preliminary analysis of the truthfulness of memories of events in which the subject of testing is the subject of his polygraph test. In this regard, after conducting the familiarization system, it is necessary to conduct a check (test) with the subject for the «Accuracy (truthfulness) of memories». The subject in any form, orally or in writing, in the form of a monologue, without the intervention of a polygraph operator, without leading questions, without clarifications and any kind of dialogues, presents his memories of the events in connection with which he will undergo a polygraph test, including:

  • location;
  • time;
  • weather;
  • participants;
  • cause-and-effect sequences;
  • significant, in his opinion, details;
  • insignificant, in his opinion, details, etc.

False memories create the basis for truthful statements and written messages. In this regard, a fundamental question arises: «Is it so critical for the realization of the goals of negotiations that the interlocutor demonstrates false statements and written messages in the process of voluntary negotiations, assuming that the interlocutor, having higher or lower negotiating competencies, is also interested in reaching an agreement, but on the terms agreed with him?» Based on the practice of negotiations, we can refer to the original semantic (speech) principle of the behavior of interlocutors, which is as follows: each statement and written message of each person contains truthful and false information, since they are created on the basis of external, allegedly truthful, that is, information independent of the human brain, and internal, allegedly false, that is, information invented by the brain of this person in order to realize their speech abilities and convince the interlocutor to accept his ideas (suggestions) about ways to reach an agreement.

In the course of business negotiations necessary to discuss the terms of the contract and search for mutually acceptable agreements, the detection of possible lies of the interlocutor is not the subject and purpose of negotiations, since the final goal of business negotiations is the signing of the contract, provided that the interests of the interlocutors (parties) are balanced in its text. The influence of false memories is an important factor on the way to reaching an agreement, because with the help of false memories, the brain of each of the interlocutors «smoothes» the sharp semantic angles of their intentions and the intentions of the interlocutor, to find real opportunities for smoothing, overcoming, exclusion, etc., insurmountable in their direct confrontation directive attitudes, guided by which the interlocutors began negotiations.

False memories become important in the process of forming individual features of human speech, namely, such features of speech, the nature of which is based on constant competition between external (a priori truthful) information for the brain and its internal (a priori false-subjective) information, for example:

  • «cultural/personality codes»,
  • «oral/written language»,
  • «information chaos/semantic ordering»,
  • «presentation/concealment of information»,
  • «mistakes and misconceptions»

and they occupy their own place in their composition with the name «false/ true memories».

Most often, false memories are invented by the brain in conditions of free human behavior and lack of time for reflection. Gradually, in the brain’s own information space, there is a community (association) of stable false memories, to which the brain often refers for various reasons, thus fixing the information-logical content of false memories and allocating them an independent perimeter (zone) in its own information space very close to true memories.

In the process of using memories by interlocutors, a comfortable and balanced presence of external and internal information in the texts of statements and written messages becomes the central element, which allows us to move from the chaotic manifestation of either true or false memories to the coordination of false memories with truthful ones and complement each other.

The intrigue of the brain inventing false memories is based on the fact that false memories create, like true ones, the basis for the brain to create functional statements and written messages to influence the interlocutor. No matter how improbable the false memories created by the brain may seem to the brain, the brain will use them to create its real statements and written messages, because the search and reproduction of true memories from memory requires significantly more energy by the brain to recognize true words in their multidimensional semantic use.

Inventing false memories by the brain generates, as a rule, only positive emotions in a person …


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