The nature of unforced errors in the negotiation process

UDC 37
Publication date: 03.09.2023
International Journal of Professional Science №9-2023

The nature of unforced errors in the negotiation process

Simakov A.I.
Abstract: The determining factor is that virtual semantic events synthesized by the brain, as a rule, do not coincide with real ones. The more discrepancies there are between the invented brain and the actual game situations that have arisen, the greater the psycho-emotional tension the athlete continuously experiences during the competition and, consequently, the greater the number of unforced errors he demonstrates.
A forced mistake is a manifestation of the impossibility of an adequate response to an opponent's sporting action, which confirms his higher level of training.
An unforced error is a manifestation of an inadequate response to the usual, no higher than average, sports action of an opponent.
In the context of the topic of the occurrence and manifestation of forced and unforced errors, negotiations are a tense and prolonged competition between interlocutors for the results of the implementation of their intentions. The greatest scientific interest is the identification, analysis, elimination of unforced errors in the learning process.
Keywords: The active state of semantic thinking, forced speech errors, unforced speech errors, semantic events as the physical basis and essence of any negotiations, the anticipatory projection of future negotiation results in the mind of the negotiator is the main source of unforced semantic errors.

In professional sports the study of the causes and mechanisms of the influence of forced and unforced errors takes a significant part of the time for the training processes and the development of the technique of the athlete’s behavior during the competition.

It is believed that:

a forced error is a manifestation of the impossibility of an adequate response to an opponent’s sporting action, which confirms his higher level of training;

an unforced error is a manifestation of an inadequate response to an ordinary, no higher than average, opponent’s sporting action.

In any sport, even in chess, there is competition for the influence on the behavior of an athlete between the manifestation of his necessary physiological functions and his psycho-emotional state during this period. This is especially noticeable in tennis. An unforced error is called blunders in a situation that «foreshadowed nothing.» Often it is an unsuccessful attack from an advantageous position, or not bringing the usual kick on the ball to the end point of touching the racket with it. It is important to understand what exactly prevented the player in this simple situation.

Empirically, it has been established that during a tennis match (3-5 sets), a tennis player makes from 7 to 10 unforced errors. If there are more such errors, then it can be assumed that the tennis player is in the process of playing in psychoemotional tension, that is, he is under the influence of increased activity of information processes of the brain, the main of which is the continuous synthesis of the virtual course of the competition ahead of the real situation throughout the sports competition.

The determining factor is that virtual semantic events synthesized by the brain, as a rule, do not coincide with real ones. The more discrepancies there are between the invented brain and the actual game situations that have arisen, the greater the psycho-emotional tension the athlete continuously experiences during the competition and, consequently, the greater the number of unforced errors he demonstrates.

In the context of the topic of the occurrence and manifestation of forced and unforced errors, negotiations are a tense and prolonged competition between interlocutors for the results of the implementation of their intentions. The greatest scientific interest is the identification, analysis, elimination of unforced errors in the learning process.

Unforced errors occur in the human brain at three mandatory stages:

  1. preparation for negotiations;
  2. the negotiation process, that is, the physical exchange of statements (written messages) between the interlocutors;
  3. analysis, after the conclusion of negotiations, of one’s verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior during communication with the interlocutor.


Forced errors occur only at the 2nd stage (the negotiation process), that is, the physical exchange of statements (written messages) between the interlocutors.

Unforced errors occur at all three stages, but they make the main negative contribution to the results of negotiations at the 2nd stage (the negotiation process), that is, the physical exchange of statements (written messages) between the interlocutors, since at this stage all 15 functional factories of semantic thinking in the human brain’s own information space are fully activated.

The scheme of the «Semantic thinking factory and the creation of a new reality»

In the human brain’s own information space, 15 factories of semantic thinking, as indicated in the scheme «Factories of semantic thinking and the creation of a new reality», are in a passive and active state based on the appearance of human needs in speech communication. In the active state of semantic thinking, forced and unforced errors occur.

In the process of preparing for negotiations, the following semantic thinking factories from the general complex of functionally oriented 15 indicated in the Table of semantic factories producing speech products become active, namely:

1 – «Human needs and their satisfaction (realization)»;

4 – «Creation of a Behavioral personality by the brain»;

5 – «Creating a semantic personality by the brain»;

6 – «Transformation of external information into internal and vice versa»;

11 – «Choosing, changing and using conversation modes»;

15 – «Creating false memories».

            The main sources of unforced errors in the process of preparing for negotiations are:

synthesis of their future statements;

synthesis of expected statements of the interlocutor;

semantic composition for yourself and decomposition for the interlocutor of the subject of negotiations;

the choice of dominance at different stages of negotiations informing the interlocutor, motivating the interlocutor;

choosing conversation modes that are comfortable for yourself;

predicting conversation modes that the interlocutor will choose;

distortions of internal information that is supposed to be used to create their statements;

distortions of external information that is expected to arise in the statements of the interlocutor.

            In the process of negotiating, the following semantic thinking factories from the general complex of functionally oriented 15 become active, as indicated in the Table of semantic factories producing speech products, namely:

1 – «Human needs and their satisfaction (realization)»;

3 – «The continuity of the meanings of words and the variety of their uses»;

6 – «The transformation of external information into internal and vice versa»;

7 – «Creation of texts of statements and written messages»;

8 – «Composition formation «Meaning-Image-Context of «utterance»;

9 – «Manifestation of individual speech characteristics»;

10 – «Perception and analysis of the texts of statements and written messages of the interlocutor»;

12 – «Overcoming semantic ambiguity of statements»;

15 – «The creation of false memories by the brain.»

The main sources of unforced errors in the process of preparing for negotiations are an unreasonable virtual representation of future semantic events of negotiations.

In the process of analysis, after the conclusion of negotiations, one’s speech (verbal) and non–speech (non-verbal) behavior during communication with the interlocutor, the following semantic thinking factories from the general complex of functionally oriented 15 become active, as indicated in the Table of semantic factories producing speech products, namely:

1 — «Human needs and their satisfaction (realization)»;

6 – «Transformation of external information into internal and vice versa»;

13 – «Analysis of the success of speech manifestation»;

14 – «Transformation of new speech skills into competencies»;

15 – «Creating false memories by the brain».

Semantic events are the physical basis and essence of any negotiations, and the negotiations themselves become an experimental multifunctional platform on which the laws of the science of semantic thinking are checked (confirmed) and, at the same time, directions for further research of the brain’s work in its own speech information space are formed.

In order to study the nature and impact on the results of negotiations of forced and unforced mistakes of interlocutors, the following basic sources of speech errors and their manifestation at various stages of negotiations can be considered:

the only reason for the occurrence and manifestation of forced errors are the statements of the interlocutor, the ability and practical ability to respond to them, including the lack of influence on this reaction of emotions and any other non-verbal manifestations;

for the occurrence of unforced errors, the number of reasons for their occurrence and manifestation is infinite, since most of the unforced errors are directly related to the psycho-emotional state, or rather, to the tension that each of the interlocutors experiences during negotiations.

The manifestation of unforced errors during negotiations is most often associated with the loss of attention to the subject of negotiations and the dominance in the course of semantic thinking of various other objects of attention, close and/or far from the subject of negotiations, which has a direct impact on the quality of their statements and on the functionality of their influence on the interlocutor.

Let’s consider several similar objects of attention, remote from the subject of negotiations, to which the brain instantly switches in the process of semantic thinking:

the dominant object of attention is the advanced formation of the virtual desired (expected) result of their statements not yet voiced to the interlocutor, while simultaneously simplifying the analysis and understanding of the already existing real statements of the interlocutor

the dominant object of attention is the concentration exclusively on the analysis of the verbal and nonverbal behavior of the interlocutor, while reducing self-control of their own behavior;

the dominant object of attention is the overestimation of the quality of their statements and the strength of their impact on the interlocutor with a simultaneous decrease or complete absence of analysis and objective assessment of the impact that the statements of the interlocutor have;

the dominant object of attention is the overestimation of the influence on the form and conditions of possible agreements of one’s intentions and motives, while ignoring the consideration of the intentions and motives of the interlocutor;

the dominant object of attention becomes an overestimation of the willingness to compromise while reducing the activity and persuasiveness of their statements.

Semantic errors in the course of negotiations continuously arise for various objective and subjective reasons and are also continuously corrected in one or another sequence during the current exchange of statements with the interlocutor or with the help of statements specially created for the purpose of correction.

Forecasting and correcting forced mistakes in the future, which can not be called mistakes, but considered as semantic elements of the loss of advantage in an adversarial competitive struggle with the competencies of the interlocutor, is a common and manageable negotiation function.

Forecasting and guaranteed avoidance of unforced errors that arise in negotiations during the exchange of statements is almost impossible. The higher the professional level of the interlocutor, the less often he makes unforced mistakes, but still commits under various circumstances.

Taking into account the semantic structure of the «Meaning-Image-Context» composition of each utterance, the maximum permissible ratio between mistakes made during specific negotiations can be considered one unforced error for three forced ones. If every second semantic error of the negotiator is unforced, that negotiations must be stopped, then resumed in some reasonable time and, preferably, with the replacement of the negotiator.

The anticipatory occurrence of activity and the actual manifestation of forced errors is associated with the dominant influence of the Semantic Personality during negotiations, since it primarily reacts to the statements of the interlocutor.

The anticipatory occurrence and actual manifestation of unforced errors is associated with the dominant influence of a Behavioral personality during negotiations, since it is she who primarily reacts to the emotions and nonverbal behavior of the interlocutor.

Thus, the control by the brain of competition for influence on the results of negotiations between the Semantic Personality and the Behavioral personality of the person conducting the negotiations during all possible stages of negotiations, the intensity of the exchange of statements, each of his statements, each of his reactions to each statement of the interlocutor becomes the most essential competence of any negotiator on any subject of discussion.


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