In the modern conditions of the functioning of society, the adaptation of personnel as a key element of the employee training system is of great importance. This process is an important component of HR management. However, there are many mistakes in the field of adaptation, and each area of professional activity, specific organizations face the need to create or refine their own methods of involving young personnel in the processes of functioning. Often, commercial and government organizations do not have basic adaptation programs. At the same time, considerable experience has been accumulated in this field both in domestic practice and abroad.
Insufficient attention to the process of adapting new employees can make the efforts of HR management in their selection pointless. If an employee cannot master his duties or does not find a common language with the team, he can quickly leave the company. Therefore, it is important to provide adequate support at the stage of entering a new role in order to prevent the loss of valuable personnel.
The designated topic is extremely relevant and has received some consideration in the special and research literature of different years, which determines its development in domestic and foreign science.
The term «social adaptation» was first introduced into academic use by North American sociologists W. Thomas and F. Znanetsky at the beginning of the XX century. Assessing this phenomenon through the study of personal social experience, they imagined that its course is invariably social. The course of an individual’s adaptation to the social circle, his recognition of the situation, is always connected in one way or another to the normative (value) prescriptions of the group. If an individual’s personal attitudes are not combined with mass values, this generates certain social deviations [11].
The works of E. Durkheim had a great influence on the study of the phenomenon under consideration. He designated the concept of social adaptation as the mental conformity of an individual to the moral norms available in society, and also used the concept of anomie as a general state of disorganization formed by sudden social changes.
In contrast to this view, adaptation was evaluated from the point of view of rationality by M. Weber, P. Lindsay and D. Norman, who included its social subspecies in the need-motivational field of personality activity. According to M. Weber, the aspect of adaptation is considered to be rationality and effectiveness in achieving the goal. Having studied the variability of facial behavior patterns, he proved that the method of achieving the goal activates the face to functional actions. Therefore, it is not social norms that form the adaptation of a person, but a person in the course of his adaptation evaluates, modifies, and develops social norms. Thus, adaptation appears to be one of the elements of social progress [1].
In T. Parsons’ theory, adaptation is considered a condition for maintaining balance, a mechanism for adapting a social system to the environment around it and controlling it. At the same time, it can be considered as the resulting status of a stratified society under the influence and influence of a complex of social causes [2]. T. Parsons assessed social adaptation as a two-way process, the result of the activity of the subject and the social environment. He believed that rationalism as the main aspect of adaptation leads to impermanence, initiates social conflicts. According to T. According to Parsons, social progress is a mutual compromise, fusion, and adaptation is balance and regulation, social tranquility, useful for both the individual and society.
- Merton was skeptical about this view of adaptation, because he believed that from the point of view of the dialectic of formation, society is not considered to be in equilibrium. He believed that the adaptation of the face is individual-typical. From R. Merton’s point of view, adaptation is both compliance with norms and renunciation of them, it is reasonable behavior that contributes to the achievement of personal goals, and irrational behavior that prevents the achievement of goals, it is joint work with society, and rebellion against it. In his opinion, adaptation acts as a process, the opposite of social progress, it completely ignores the importance of personality in the course of adaptation [9].
- Spencer in his own «theory of equilibrium» interpreted adaptation as a stable balancing of the organism (personality) with the environment (community), as a result of which the complication of the social structure is committed. E. Giddens assessed social adaptation as a process of socialization or adaptation to a specific social role.
Representatives of humanistic psychology K. Rogers and A. Maslow considered adaptation from the perspective of personality formation. The first believed that any person is capable of personal self-improvement and aspires to it. In accordance with the «Self-concept» developed by K. Rogers, the degree of satisfaction of a person with life and himself personally depends on how his «real Self» and «impeccable Self» are consistent [7]. He considered adaptation to be an important circumstance of self-actualization.
- Maslow made a fundamental contribution to the creation of the theory of personality adaptation. According to his research, personality formation is the realization of its main needs, presented to scientists in the form of a pyramid, in which each subsequent step of the motivational structure has meaning only when the previous steps are satisfied. Absolute adaptation, according to Maslow’s concept, is embodied in the form of self-realization.
According to R. Linton’s point of view, one of the important criteria for survival, the adaptation of an individual to the newest environment is considered to be the ability of society to give him easy ways out of the formed conditions. If society disorients and restrains a person in some aspirations, then it is obliged to give her the right to make up for what she has lost in other endeavors.
Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that the numerous definitions of the concept in question proposed by scientists have a subjective basis and have not yet led to the adoption of a single interpretation, which makes it difficult to operate on them. Although the concept of “social adaptation” seems quite simple and obvious, it is often filled with various contents. The reason for this lies in its complexity and versatility, simultaneously reflecting both the process of adapting the subject to the norms of society and the result of this process.
In turn, P.S. Kuznetsov managed to successfully systematize and classify existing approaches to the study of the concept of «social adaptation» in foreign and domestic science. Let’s look at them in more detail:
- Homeostatic approach – implies the position of balance (equilibrium, ratio) between an individual, his internal environment and the external environment. The concept of balance is considered to be multi-purpose for a large number of sciences. Thus, the balance of an organism presupposes a harmonious balanced action of its constituent organs and systems, which is an integral circumstance of its viability. Similarly, the existence of a person in society is considered harmonious only if there is a specific system of social relationships. Due to various circumstances, these relationships are disrupted from time to time. The reason that leads out of equilibrium is considered as an environment independent of the subject. The action of a personality in society and its connection with the environment is complicated. The beginning of adaptation takes the form of a request to eliminate conflict in relations with the environment, to find a balance. The adaptation provides a balance between the body’s action on the environment and the reverse reaction. The behavior boils down to recreating a lost balance.
However, this approach is not able to fully explain all the permissible types of addiction, as well as the essence of social adaptation itself as a socio-historical process.
- Adaptation as an adaptation. According to this approach, the goal of social adaptation is considered to be, in fact, the habituation of an individual or group to the changing environment in which it operates and on which its functioning depends.
- Adaptation as inclusion in the social environment – involves the procedure of getting used to, the entry of an individual into a certain whole system of relationships and interrelations. In fact, there is a situation in which a person finds himself in the latest circumstances: replacement of a place of work or study, place of residence, type of activity, marital status, etc. From the point of view of this approach, the public sphere is considered an active education, and therefore, personality adaptation is constantly taking place.
- A rational approach. As a basis for social adaptation, it is assumed not that the personality corresponds to the social environment, but that its rational actions are determined by a specific goal. The final result and purpose of adaptation is the acquisition of a person’s own set goals. The easier and faster they are achieved, the greater, more correct, more perfect and more successful the adaptation. In an effort to satisfy his own needs, the individual adapts to society by mastering its institutions and assimilating institutionalized methods of action. If society does not contribute to, and even more so prevents the achievement of personal goals, adaptation to it does not begin. If social norms converge with the range of interests of a person, he is guided by them, if not, he rejects them. The aspect of adaptation is considered to be rationality, effectiveness in achieving goals.
- Adaptation as satisfaction of the needs of the subject represents this process, on the one hand, as a comparison of the environment around the individual to his aspirations, on the other, as a state conditioned by the reference group. The stimulating factor for the individual in this case is the potential pleasure of adaptation.
- Adaptation as the development of the subject. This approach assumes that personal development is a key criterion and goal of social adaptation, both socially and personally.
- The interactive approach presents social adaptation as a mutual coordination of the expectations and requirements of society and the individual [4].
The issue of social adaptation in the professional environment deserves special attention. This process is quite complex, lengthy, and sometimes painful, and is associated with a change in the inner world of a person. It is caused by the rejection of a habitual lifestyle, associated with overcoming various professional difficulties. A young employee is forced to mobilize will, energy, and restrain emotions. At the same time, old ideas and stereotypes of activity break down, new skills and abilities are formed, and behavior changes. The first years in a new environment, especially after graduation, are the probation period that determines the position of a young employee and his further promotion process in the organization. In this regard, there are problems of adapting staff to new conditions, acquiring the necessary skills, creating and maintaining an atmosphere of cooperation between previously non-interacting team members.
Summarizing the data from a number of studies, it becomes possible to identify the key problems that arise during adaptation:
– not matching reality to the expected image;
– overestimation of the individual’s own capabilities;
– underestimating the severity of the work performed;
– difficulties in understanding with colleagues and superiors;
– lack of practical knowledge and skills required in a particular field of activity.
The sequence of social adaptation in the professional environment, taking into account the applicable mechanisms, can be expressed in the form of several stages:
– assessment — determination of the level of a candidate, a new employee;
– orientation — practical acquaintance of the employee with the responsibilities and requirements of the organization;
– action is the gradual overcoming of work and interpersonal problems and the transition to a stable job. In this case, various mechanisms can be used, for example, psychological support (scheduled conversations with a psychologist), training (group classes), self-development (independent entry into office), mentoring (work under the guidance of an experienced employee) [8].
Thus, the adaptation of a young employee is a mechanism for flexible adjustment to changing living conditions, as well as active mastery of the norms of collective professional communication, industrial knowledge, in compliance with the traditions of the organization. This process is essential, because it involves getting used to a new social circle, established norms, as well as a new form of leadership. The effectiveness of any employee’s activity depends not only on the degree of his adaptation at the professional level, but also on the socio-psychological atmosphere in the team. A new employee needs to feel like a significant member of the team, who is respected, appreciated and whose opinion is listened to.
In the event that the problem with adaptation drags on, it is necessary to focus, rethink the current situation and work out ways to solve it. A possible method of bonding with the team may be joint participation in company events that raise team spirit not only from the business side, but also from the personal side. A positive effect can be brought by the creation of a recreation room where employees could discuss personal interests, take a break from the accumulated burden of the workflow, and managers will have the opportunity to implement measures to strengthen friendly ties in the team.
Along with this, social adaptation in the workplace involves the individual mastering all the required components of professional activity: its tasks, subject, means, methods, criteria within a specific area or sphere. Based on this, this phenomenon is characterized by addressing self-development and increasing the qualifications of an employee, thereby providing a trained and specialized staff of employees [3]. The emotional state of the employee is essential, which can not only have a positive impact on the team, but also have a positive impact on the company’s activities in general. The staff must be properly motivated, as the quality and effectiveness of the work done depends on it.
Social adaptation as the most important process is present in the life of any young employee, however, they go through it in different ways. It requires a restructuring of the inner world of the personality, a revision of one’s own habits, and sometimes the suppression of certain psychological characteristics. A comfortable arrangement of the workspace with a clear and convenient location of the tools of labor activity has a positive effect on the activity of the employee. The rhythm of work and external influences (lighting, noise, etc.) are considered an important circumstance.
The application of various approaches to the organization of work on the social adaptation of employees in the organization is determined by a number of factors and has certain specifics and difficulties.
First of all, this process involves the assimilation of a new social role by an individual, a change in personal forms of behavior based on corporate norms. The problematic component consists in the difference between the characteristics of activity in educational organizations from the conditions of professional activity, the change in the communicative situation, the need to carry out independent work in circumstances of increased workload, as well as the consolidation of positive motivation for the upcoming professional realization [5]. The change in the social environment, the loss of reference groups formed at the stage of study, the ability to participate in them and, consequently, the usual methods of communication, requires additional efforts from a young employee to develop a new model of behavior that provides him with a psychologically comfortable presence in a new team. It is necessary to restructure the usual style of action, flexibility in communication, correlation of subjective and individual qualities with the claims of the team, which is achieved through significant efforts at self-education, a higher level of self-regulation. In these conditions, an individual is required not only to demonstrate specific qualities of character (openness, directness, benevolence, etc.), but also to use personal protection mechanisms, readiness to change the range of interests, motivation, attitudes, values.
The second important aspect of the social adaptation of young employees is a change in their usual lifestyle, work and rest regime, and an increase in the duration of workloads. It should be noted that in the process of professional adaptation, there is a restructuring of the habitual forms of individual behavior, ways of organizing his life and recreation. The set of factors that have a direct impact on well-being and value attitude to professional activity, in accordance with its specifics, includes — working hours, psycho-emotional stress, professional responsibility for the result of work, an increase in the level of competition in the labor market and much more. In analyzing this problem, the task of early detection of professional burnout syndrome is important.
Data from a number of studies indicate that the first year of professional activity is characterized not only by a decrease in the qualitative characteristics of working capacity, but also by the appearance of a number of health problems, the emergence of a state of overwork, sleep disorders. A partial resumption of the balance between the functional state of the body and the qualitative signs of working capacity occurs in the second year of professional activity [10].
The desire to protect oneself or even ignore the difficulties that arise in the process of professional adaptation can lead to a conflict between a young employee and reality. However, as the immune system is formed by interaction with antigens, so negative impressions, largely due to the hierarchy of professional values and personal motives, activate the protective mechanisms of the nervous system. It is important to correctly overcome the negative manifestations of maladaptation syndrome in young employees, especially in the first year of professional activity [6].
Based on this, it becomes clear that previous experience and the use of familiar techniques by a young employee may not be suitable for the changed circumstances. The difference in the organization, tasks and criteria of the educational process and professional activity forms an independent obstacle that a young employee needs to overcome in order to be competitive, actively engage in new forms of work, and successfully advance in the field of professional and personal development.
Summing up, it should be noted that the mechanism of social adaptation is a system of all its constituent parts, interdependent and interacting in the course of social relations, having a mutual effect on each other in order to achieve a positive effect in the criteria of a changing public sphere. The transformation of the lifestyle of a young employee, his assimilation of new methods of activity, adaptation to a change in the organizational form of professional activity — all this can be mastered and implemented in the process of adaptation.
Professional adaptation involves the employee mastering all the required components of professional activity: its tasks, subject, tools, techniques, effects, criteria within a specific specialty. It is associated with the employee’s habituation to the circumstances of a new job for him, the management system, management technologies, and the entire system of public relations in the organization. The effectiveness of a particular young employee and, as a result, the development of the organization in the long term as a whole depends on how successfully this process will be implemented.
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