Assessment of signaling, centralization and blocking division work in the field of train traffic safety by risk-based factor analysis

UDC 51-74
Publication date: 31.01.2024
International Journal of Professional Science №1-2-2024

Assessment of signaling, centralization and blocking division work in the field of train traffic safety by risk-based factor analysis

Trishin Nikita
Engineer of the first category of the production and technical department
JSCo “Russian Railways”, Oktyabrskaya railway, Murmansk, Russia
Abstract: This article is dedicated to the main automated system which is called EK ASUI FA. It has been developed and implemented by JSCo “Russian Railways” and realizes a single information space as a means of making managerial decisions in order to positively impact on emerging risks in signaling, centralization and blocking division. This system allows to analyze several parameters which characterize the state of production processes, related to ensuring the safety of train traffic: maintenance, the organization of the production process, technical equipment, logistics, personnel. Special attention has been paid to the current methodology and up-date or develop a new method for assessing risk in signaling, centralization and blocking division work. It’s important because the results of factor analysis and assessment of the risk factors influence on the state of control technical objects are the basis of a risk-oriented approach in the audit activities of JSCo “Russian Railways” in the field of train traffic safety.
Keywords: railway, risk, factor analysis, risk factor, risk management, EK ASUI FA

The term “risk” occupies a central place in the issues of analyzing and assessing train traffic safety. This term is used in countless regulatory framework based on the latest scientific achievements in the field of ensuring the train traffic safety and forecasting cases of its violation. In addition, several automated systems developed and implemented by JSCo “Russian Railways” realize a single information space as a means of making managerial decisions in order to positively impact on emerging risks in signaling, centralization and blocking division:

–          automated system for analyzing the reliability of railway signaling, centralization and blocking devices (hereinafter – AS ANSh) [1, 2];

–          automated system for statistical analysis of reliability indicators and prescriptive management of processes in the field of automatics and remote-control systems (hereinafter – AS ANPSh);

–          a unified corporate platform for resource, risks and reliability management at the life cycle stages of railway automatics and remote-control objects (hereinafter – EKP URRAN-Sh) [3-6];

–          a unified corporate automated infrastructure management system of JSCo “Russian Railways” in terms of the formation of factor analysis of risks in the field of train traffic safety (hereinafter – EK ASUI FA) [7, 8].

The first three mentioned systems are based on the Resource, Risk and Reliability Management and Analysis methodology called by the Russian acronym URRAN. The last automated system is of the greatest interest because at the moment it is actively used as the main tool in the indication of risks and taking measures to influence their level. This is due to the fact that this system allows to analyze several parameters which characterize the state of production processes, related to ensuring the safety of train traffic. Within the framework of feasibility, the dynamics of the risk factor level is assessed once a quarter by means of the EK ASUI FA system.


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