- Introduction. Today, when the right to participate in elections at various levels is enshrined in the Constitution of our country, we take it for granted, little thinking about the fact that comparatively recently not everyone had this right.
We all know that 2018 is significant because on March 18, the presidential elections of our country took place, and therefore I wanted to learn and introduce tomorrow’s potential voters to the history of the elections in the Oryol region through the statistics section. This will be even more useful for the following reason: assignments on probability theory are included in the final certification for the discipline statistical processing of scientific results at my university.
In our work, we relied on thematic all-Russian and regional studies, used archival materials.
The purpose of the work: to improve mathematical and political culture by studying statistical characteristics through the history of elections in my small homeland — Oryol region.
1) To study statistical characteristics by compiling original assignments based on all-Russian and regional studies, archival materials.
2) To compare the results of the Russian presidential elections (March 18, 2018) in the Oryol region with the results in other regions of Russia, based on statistical characteristics.
3) To draw conclusions about the importance of using statistical characteristics in one of the main issues of society — elections.
- Materials and methods.
The methodological basis for solving the tasks was the use of data from various sources, statistics and probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Using the data from the sources, the average value of the number of votes cast for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was calculated.
It was concluded that 76.63% of the voters in the Oryol region voted for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Using the data from the sources, the range of values of the number of votes cast for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was calculated:
91.44 — 67.04 = 24.4%
Thus, the spread of data in the series is within 24.4%.
Thus, the data spread in the series is within 24.4%.
Using data from sources, the mode value of the number of votes cast for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was calculated.
Rounding the voting results to whole numbers; 82% — 1 time, 91% — 1 time, 67% — 1 time, 77% — 2 times, 76% — 3 times, 71% — 1 time, 75% — 2 times.
As a result, it was concluded that in 3 of 11 subjects of the Russian Federation, 76% voted for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Using data from open sources, diagrams of the results of the Russian presidential elections on March 18, 2018 were constructed.
Pic. 1. Diagrams of the results of the presidential elections in Russia on March 18, 2018
- Results and discussion. More people voted for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in the Oryol region than in the Sverdlovsk region, Samara region, Murmansk region, Leningrad region, Belgorod region, Ivanovo region, Amur region, but less than in the Astrakhan region, Tatarstan and Chechnya. The work done allows me to conclude that it is important to use statistical characteristics when analyzing issues related to any area of human life. In this case, elements of statistics and probability theory allow us to “transparently” see the results of the most important component of the modern political system — elections.
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