- Introduction.
Modern youth today undergoes socialization, being under the powerful influence of the process of universal informatization and introduction of the latest technologies into everyday life. “An important determinant of youth culture today becomes the political life of the society and global trends in the sphere of mass communication, with the help of which the manipulation of public opinion is realized” [14, с. 43]. This process approaches the interpretation of the identified phenomena of influence on the state of Russian education of the first quarter of this century and considers:
— low level of quality of knowledge of young specialists;
— mass of casual people in the system of youth policy and education;
— lack of integration of specialists and professional teams in dealing with a single complex pedagogical case (a foreign language learner (a child who knows only his/her native language but has to study in a different language environment), a disabled child in a class with normotypical children, a non-standard case in a class, bullying at school, etc.);
— Rigidity of the school and its inability to transform into a multifunctional educational organization, which is extremely relevant for modern education, in which traditional educational functions (education, upbringing, development) are expanded by atypical transpositive functions (integrative, personological, socio-pedagogical design, health-saving, correctional-developmental, psychological and pedagogical support, and address
- Materials and methods
The study of modern youth involves the use of a whole set of theoretical and applied methods that allow us to analyze the phenomenon of youth culture as a holistic phenomenon. Values and attitudes are formed in the youth environment under the influence of many factors, so the study is interdisciplinary in nature. We use the sociocultural approach in this paper as the main theoretical approach to the study of youth worldview. The study of social transformations in society implies a broad socio-philosophical approach to the analysis of social processes.
Thus, an important research method is the riskological method, which allows us to see the problems of socialization in the modern youth environment. In particular, the theoretical and methodological basis of the presented work was the works of Z. Bauman, in which the state of modern society is represented through the concept of “fluidity”, which is characterized by the permeability of social boundaries, blurring of stable objects, increasing variability of stable forms [2]. Among domestic authors we can highlight the approach of O. N. Yanitsky and E.V. Shchekotin, who connect social risks and transformation processes with the lack of stability in modern society. Theoretical studies are the methodological basis for analyzing empirical data obtained as a result of a sociological survey of students [15, 17].
- Results and Discussion
The new millennium is characterized as a period of a high degree of instability and changeability, chronic instability — social transformation, which scientists designate as a period of “turbulence”. Researchers from different fields of knowledge adhere to this assessment: (4, 18). Modern futurologist A.A. Zinoviev wrote: “Our XX century was, perhaps, the most dramatic in the history of mankind in terms of the fates of people, nations, ideas, social systems and civilizations. But in spite of everything it was the century of human passions and experiences – the century of hopes and despair, illusions and epiphanies, seduction and disappointments, joy and grief, love and hatred…” [8, с. 15]. The futurologist predicted the time in which we live as a period of inhumanity, loss of life-affirming meanings. The predictions that we observe in all spheres of modern man’s life activities have already begun to be justified. “The world is shuddering from the powerful movement of the tectonic plates of human civilization, people feel the ongoing transformation of the world and understand its inevitability.
The new era opens to man new fantastic opportunities, but at the same time throws new challenges not seen before” [16, с. 11]. And these phenomena cannot but affect the state of modern education and youth policy. According to a number of researchers, the social sphere, including modern education and health care, undergo significant effects of social instability [13, 9]. Transformations in culture are also connected with turbulence
The potential of parents and school teachers can significantly contribute to opening (or on the contrary — “minimizing”) opportunities for young people. It has long been observed that students are more attracted to young professionals who are more understandable to them: here age differences in the perception of the world are minimal. For teenagers young employees become authoritative. Consequently, it is with their “social optics” that schoolchildren will “check their dictionaries”, learn to build relationships, take the behavioral strategies of young professionals and their methods of interaction with the world around them as examples.
Today, in the modern information space, a person faces a new view of life, personality, and family [10, 11]. Thus, it is obvious that modern information means of communication create patterns of behavior, set ideals and form values. As a result, people create stable myth images (simulacra) that replace reality and are supported by official structures [7, p. 242].
In our time, the information space in general has changed, views on the world and ideas about family have changed, and most young people are focused on career and personal development. And in such an environment it is important to pay special attention to the formation of correct views on the family and family values.
«Considering the ambiguity of many processes in the field of the formation of information culture in the modern world, we can highlight certain risks that modern youth face in the information space: — increasing manipulative technologies, acting ever more subtly and sophisticatedly in the modern media space (including political, extremist and other influences); — the emergence of identification difficulties in the younger generation, leading to various personality disorders, increasing depression and suicidal tendencies, escapism)…» [6, p. 548].
In order to show the real attitude of young people to this problem, a study was conducted that made it possible to make a socio-psychological «cross-section» of young people as a social group of respondents aged 19 to 22 years who were on the eve of choosing a place for professional work (while, perhaps, for some of the respondents, educational organizations could become a future place of work). With what potential and baggage will they come to work, what values and ideologies will they broadcast? For this, the opportunity was used to conduct a study during the summer health campaign of 2023 on the basis of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization «Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin Year-Round Health Camp» (Tyumen Region, Zavodoukovsk). The study involved 110 people aged 19 to 22 years, including 84 girls (76.4%), 26 boys (23.6%), studying in various fields of study and specialties. Respondents were offered a questionnaire with various indicators and a numerical beam to fill in from 0 to 10 points (0 means «no» and 10 means «yes»). It was necessary to make a mark on the beam, expressing their own opinion on this or that aspect related to the respondent’s internal picture of the world and experience of living in parent-child relationships. Social transformations, crises, «choose as a target», first of all, the family, as the basis of traditional society [4]. Of particular interest in this study is the attitude of young people to family and intra-family ties with which a young person will come to their future profession (also interesting is the attitude to everything that can influence actions, the choice of a future profession, what meanings this person can convey and what potential influence he can have on his environment).
The respondents were offered stimulus questions, to which answers were received. First of all, we were interested in the experience of intra-family relationships and some basic life aspects of the respondents, which clearly demonstrate the architecture of the parental family and the experience of living in parent-child relationships. The questions of the questionnaire were simple, but carried a significant socio-psychological load, gave a fairly clear idea of the experience of the respondents. In this vein, it was important to ask the question «Are there any traditions in your family, for example, to give each other gifts not only on birthdays?», characterizing the presence of an attentive attitude in the family to each other, the desire to do something nice, to show care, humanity. Based on the position [4], that the established good traditions become a guarantor of family stability and the ability to cope with the influence of «turbulence». As it turned out, the average value for this indicator for girls was 5.8 points, which is 0.2 points lower than for boys. As a result, the number of respondents who chose the answer 0 points, i.e. a categorical «no», was analyzed: 26 girls (30.9%), 9 boys (34.6%), which is 3.7% higher than among female representatives. These are very high rates of non-involvement in interaction, indifference in the family to each other. The absence of family traditions is a dangerous indicator of trouble in a modern family. In general, 31.8% of respondents in both groups demonstrated this phenomenon. Thus, it can be assumed that children in such families who have not been taught to show care will most likely replicate this model of behavior in their own families.
Respondents were offered separate options for possible joint activities in the parental family, which they had to mark in the event of living through such an experience, its reality. The answers are presented in Table №. 1.
Table 1
Options for joint activities of parents and children in the family
Indicator | Girls | Boys |
Dinner together | 40 (47,6%) | 12 (46,1%) |
Board games together | 12 (14,3%) | 8 (30,8%) |
Joint recreation in nature | 59 (70,2%) | 18 (69,2%) |
Joint watching of films | 41 (48,8%) | 11 (42,3%) |
Physical education and sports | 7 (8,3%) | 5 (19,2%) |
Preparing to meet guests, preparing holiday treats | 41 (48,8%) | 13 (50%) |
Joint crafts | 11 (13,1%) | 4 (15,4%) |
Joint participation in general cleaning | 43 (51,2%) | 13 (50%) |
Joint long vacation | 41 (48,8%) | 14 (53,8%) |
Emergence of conflicts «out of nowhere» | 32 (38,1%) | 11 (42,3%) |
Long silence | 14 (16,7%) | 4 (15,4%) |
Alcohol binges | 14 (16,7%) | 2 (7,7%) |
The analysis of the data presented in Table 1 revealed a number of serious problems: first of all, the limited variations of joint activities of children and their parents. The most frequently chosen of the proposed options for joint activities, according to respondents of both groups, was the indicator «Joint recreation in nature». According to girls — 70.2%, this is 1% higher, than in the answers of boys. The second place was taken by the option «Joint long vacation»: according to boys — 53.8%, which is 9.5% higher than in the choices of girls. The third position in the choices of options for joint time was taken by the indicator «Joint participation in general cleaning»: according to girls — 51.2%, which is 1.2% higher than in the choices of boys. The indicator «Preparation for meeting guests, cooking holiday treats» turned out to be significant; it took the fourth line of the rating of the significance of variations of joint activities of parents and children. According to young men, this option is acceptable in 50%, which is 1.2% higher than in the choices of girls. On the one hand, such a number of respondents who indicated the presented variations is undoubtedly significant. However, if we imagine the possible frequency of these types of joint activities, we can definitely say that they are rarely used. For example, a long joint vacation can typically be once a year; general cleaning, apparently no more than once a month; preparation for meeting guests and cooking a holiday treat — also does not happen often.
Our focus was on those options for joint activities that are really used frequently. These include, first of all, «Supper together», which is traditionally more often than not a daily occurrence. But — as revealed in the results of the work, a joint dinner is not typical for all families. This option for joint activities of adults and children in the family was indicated by 47.6% of girls and 46.1% of boys — less than half of the respondents dine together as a family! As it turned out, in this sample, a joint dinner is not a tradition. Indeed, the «procedure» of eating during dinner itself exists, but each family member eats separately, most likely, in their own room. It is typical that family members gathered for dinner discuss some common important aspects of family «building», difficulties that have arisen, provide the necessary support, etc. More than half of the respondents are deprived of all this.
During the study, attention was drawn to such an important aspect of joint activities of adults and children as the organization of useful leisure. And in this aspect, serious problems were also discovered. For example, the variation «Joint board games» was noted by 30.8% of young men, but it was 16.5% higher than in the choices of girls. And in this case, in our opinion, parents miss the opportunity to support their child during a joint board game, to become authoritative for him, perhaps a role model, simply to get to know each other and determine opportunities. The same applies to joint mastery. According to 15.4% of young men, this type of joint activity is typical for their family, which is 2.3% higher than noted by girls. It can be assumed that this figure is quite low. In the process of joint work and creativity, parents can pass on a «hobby» to their children, teach them mastery, help them master special skills and much more.
Today, medical researchers note the low level of health quality of the Russian population, the increase in the overall level of unhealthy lifestyle and the lack of a health culture. Our study confirmed this fact. The survey results showed that joint physical education and sports activities are not obvious for the respondents’ families. Only 19.2% of young men noted this option, significantly fewer girls — 8.3%, which is 10.9% lower than in the choices of male respondents. The study revealed a picture of intra-family relationships and the presence of bad habits that contribute to the risk of family breakdown. And it encourages us to think about the lack of psychological culture in a significant number of families participating in the study. The indicator «Emergence of conflicts «out of nowhere»» was relevant for 42.3% of young men and 38.1% of girls. This is a high figure. But more dangerous was the indicator «Long-term silence», which is inherent in 16.7% of girls, which is 1.3% higher than in the choices of young men. The indicator «Alcohol binges» was proposed as a real risk factor for family breakdown. A significant number of respondents showed experience of living through such: 16.7% of girls and 7.7% of boys. Long-term traumatic situations could not leave children without negative socio-psychological consequences.
- Conclusions
This study allowed us to draw a conclusion about significant flaws in the possible picture of the world of young respondents. «Public opinion no longer plays a serious role in the formation of stable life priorities and values among young people, which means that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the younger generation to build relationships with the outside world, which requires integrity and consistency in matters of making key decisions, free choice» [5, p. 34].
At present, it is difficult to assert the degree of damage inflicted on children in the conditions of a dysfunctional family and difficult parent-child relationships; one can only assume possible distortions, and in this regard, it is important to pay attention to the upbringing and teaching of modern youth family values. The results of the study revealed the need to focus on intra-family relationships, on specially oriented educational work in the youth environment. Thus, in order to increase the level of significance of the family in the youth environment, it is necessary to organize a series of events aimed at the formation of family values in educational institutions. This proposal will not only help to assist in the formation of value orientations, but will also contribute to the development of a harmonious society.
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