Age and young primiparous- social portrait

UDC 614.1
Publication date: 14.11.2022
International Journal of Professional Science №10-2-2022

Age and young primiparous- social portrait

Возрастные и юные первородящие- социальный портрет

Shchetinina Nadehda Alexandrovna
Markosyan Zaruhi Samvelovna
Kozhevnikov Vitaly Vladimirovich
Chernykh Ekaterina Alekseevna
1. Assistant of the Department of Healthcare Management Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
2. Assistant of the Department of Healthcare Management Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
3. Assistant of the Department of Healthcare Management Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
4. Assistant of the Department of Healthcare Management Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

Щетинина Надежда Александровна
Маркосян Заруи Самвеловна
Кожевников Виталий Владимирович
Черных Екатерина Алексеевна
1. ассистент кафедры управления в здравоохранении
Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко
2. ассистент кафедры управления в здравоохранении
Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко
3. ассистент кафедры управления в здравоохранении Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко
4. ассистент кафедры управления в здравоохранении Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко
Аннотация: Статья посвящена проблеме позднего наступления первых родов у женщин. Отмечается, что причинами поздних первых родов считаются специфические социальные факторы, и это очень часто сочетается с решением женщины о внебрачном ребенке. В статье подчеркивается, что тщательный анализ индекса здоровья возрастных первородящих должен учитывать особенности образа жизни, демографическое поведение, а не только особенности беременности и родов, их ведение, а также медико-биологические и клинические аспекты состояния плода. Сообщается, что в исследовании приняли участие две группы первородящих разного возраста: первородящие в возрасте 30 лет и старше (возрастные первородящие) и первородящие в возрасте 20-25 лет (молодые первородящие).

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of delayed childbirth and age primiparae. It is pointed out that specific social factors are considered to be the reasons of late first birth and it is very often combined with woman’s decision on extramarital child. The article highlights that a thorough analysis of health index of age primiparae should consider lifestyle peculiarities, demographic behavior and not only pregnancy and birth peculiarities, their management, as well as medico-biological and clinical aspects of the fetus status. The study is reported to include two groups of primiparae of various ages: primiparae at the age of 30 and older (age primiparae) and primiparae at the age of 20-25 (young primiparae).
Ключевые слова: молодые первородящие, возраст первородящих, специфические социальные факторы, роды.

Keywords: young primiparae, age primiparae, specific social factors, childbirth

The health status of women and children is an indicator of the socio-economic well-being of society. The problem of childbirth after the age of 30 becomes very relevant in these conditions. When planning a pregnancy, the family does not proceed from when it is better to give birth, but from when it is more convenient to give birth to a child. This feature of modern reproductive behavior is becoming more and more characteristic of certain regions and social groups of the population. The reasons for this phenomenon are considered to be specific social factors: late marriage, anticipation of the economic well-being of the family, the need for education, professional career growth, and adolescence. Late first childbirth is very often combined with a woman’s decision about an illegitimate child. Thus, the birth of a living and healthy baby is very acute for this category of women, since this firstborn may be the only child in the family. That is why, despite the fact that at present the marriageable age tends to “juvenile”, the study of various socio-hygienic and medico-demographic aspects of the age of primiparous women does not lose its relevance, since the number of such women is increasing in the regions of our country. A thorough analysis of the health index of age-related primiparous should take into account the peculiarities of lifestyle, demographic behavior. There is a certain point of view, confirmed by numerous clinical studies, that the first birth at the age of 30 years and older is a risk factor and, apparently, harmful to both the mother and the fetus, i.e. first–time mothers are included in the risk group by age qualification.

In the study of the socio-hygienic characteristics of first-time mothers, the following parameters were analyzed: marital status, age of marriage, type of marriage, level of education, socio-professional group, housing and material conditions.

Based on the analyzed data, we see the following trend. Women who gave birth for the first time at the age of over 34 years account for (23.6%). Primiparous of marriageable age younger than 34 years made up 41%, the rest (59%) were 36 years and older.

Lifestyle, as you know, is the most important factor determining the health index, more precisely, it determines the willingness of a married couple to have a child. A woman should be given the opportunity to develop harmoniously, which increases her role in the family, as well as the role of the family in society. According to the results of the study, the majority of mothers who married for the first time (72%) got married after 26 years. Poor conditions in the family, including the fact that a woman is not married, that is, not married, are among the factors that negatively affect the birth and development of a child. Every sixth woman in the group of primiparous was unmarried by age, while the number of single women in the group of young primiparous was 2.5 times less. It was estimated that 90.5% of all primiparous of marriageable age (88.6%) married for the first time, 9.5% remarried. These figures in the group of young mothers who married for the first time were 97.3% and 2.7%, respectively. When analyzing sexual life, it was determined that sexual contacts were accidental in 3.3% of mothers who gave birth to a child for the first time, sexual contacts with a permanent partner amounted to 12.4%, sexual contacts in a civil marriage amounted to 5.1%, sexual contacts in a registered union amounted to 79.2%. In young mothers who married for the first time, sexual contacts were accidental in 1.7% of mothers who married for the first time at the age, sexual contacts with a permanent partner amounted to 5.0%, sexual contacts in a civil marriage amounted to 1.2%, sexual contacts in a registered union amounted to 92.1%. Thus, the marital status seems to be more stable for young mothers getting married for the first time than for older mothers getting married for the first time: registered marriages accounted for 92.5% and 79.2%, respectively. The level of education was studied in order to better understand the social context of the primiparous. The level of completed higher education was higher for first-time married mothers at the age of 58% than for young first-time married mothers (21%). Thus, most parents who married for the first time received higher education before starting a family and having a child. The housing conditions of the first-borns were as follows: 13.8% of the first-borns had poor housing conditions, 69% had satisfactory housing conditions, 17.2% had adequate housing conditions. The level of income per family member in the firstborn age was estimated as high in 25.7%, moderate in 69.3%, low in 5%. The level of income per family member among young first–borns was estimated as high in 17%, moderate in 65.1%, low in 17.9%. Based on the analyzed data, we see the following trend. Women who gave birth for the first time at the age of over 34 years account for (23.6%). Primiparous of marriageable age younger than 34 years made up 41%, the rest (59%) were 36 years and older.

Lifestyle, as you know, is the most important factor determining the health index, more precisely, it determines the willingness of a married couple to have a child. A woman should be given the opportunity to develop harmoniously, which increases her role in the family, as well as the role of the family in society. According to the results of the study, the majority of mothers who married for the first time (72%) got married after 26 years. Poor conditions in the family, including the fact that a woman is not married, that is, not married, are among the factors that negatively affect the birth and development of a child. Every sixth woman in the group of primiparous was unmarried by age, while the number of single women in the group of young primiparous was 2.5 times less. It was estimated that 90.5% of all primiparous of marriageable age (88.6%) married for the first time, 9.5% remarried. These figures in the group of young mothers who married for the first time were 97.3% and 2.7%, respectively. When analyzing sexual life, it was determined that sexual contacts were accidental in 3.3% of mothers who gave birth to a child for the first time, sexual contacts with a permanent partner amounted to 12.4%, sexual contacts in a civil marriage amounted to 5.1%, sexual contacts in a registered union amounted to 79.2%. In young mothers who married for the first time, sexual contacts were accidental in 1.7% of mothers who married for the first time at the age, sexual contacts with a permanent partner amounted to 5.0%, sexual contacts in a civil marriage amounted to 1.2%, sexual contacts in a registered union amounted to 92.1%. Thus, the marital status seems to be more stable for young mothers getting married for the first time than for older mothers getting married for the first time: registered marriages accounted for 92.5% and 79.2%, respectively. The level of education was studied in order to better understand the social context of the primiparous. The level of completed higher education was higher for first-time married mothers at the age of 58% than for young first-time married mothers (21%). Thus, most parents who married for the first time received higher education before starting a family and having a child. The housing conditions of the first-borns were as follows: 13.8% of the first-borns had poor housing conditions, 69% had satisfactory housing conditions, 17.2% had adequate housing conditions. The level of income per family member in the firstborn age was estimated as high in 25.7%, moderate in 69.3%, low in 5%. The level of income per family member among young first–borns was estimated as high in 17%, moderate in 65.1%, low in 17.9%.

Thus, we can conclude that the marital status was more stable in young primiparous than in age-old primiparous. It should be noted the real workload of age and young primiparous in the production process in our country. Data on the socio-economic status of primiparous, including housing and material conditions, showed that a greater number of primiparous at the age had adequate living conditions compared to young primiparous. Moreover, the per capita income was higher for the first-born. Thus, we can report that the socio-economic status is more stable with age than that of young primiparous.


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