- Introduction.
The northern regions of Russia are certainly unique, both in terms of their strategic location and resource potential, as well as due to their natural and environmental characteristics. The development of northern territories is associated with several major trends at once: the establishment of sustainable infrastructure of settlements; the development of urban environment taking into account the difficult climatic conditions; the creation of favorable conditions for resettlement for permanent residence and the implementation of an appropriate human resources policy that allows organizing activities in all vital areas at a professional level.
The role of northern cities in the development of Russia is related not only to their opportunities and obvious prospects in the field of economic growth, as well as their rich material resources, but also manifests itself in general in the special socio-cultural situation that is currently developing in the northern region. It should be taken into account that the principles of urban development in recent decades are certainly changing and socio-cultural processes oriented to human capital and the formation of conditions for the development of a person living in the conditions of the North come to the fore [6]. At present: «The most important should be investments in human beings, which will be considered as the most effective investment in the future» [5, p. 22].
The relevance of the research topic within the framework of this monograph is conditioned by the need to develop new strategies for the development of Russian society, taking into account sociocultural factors and related environmental issues. These strategies should be aimed at achieving certain qualitative characteristics of people’s life activities, since the desire for education, cognition, self-improvement, healthy lifestyle, entertainment and communication, on which the socio-cultural sphere is based, is of paramount importance in the life of modern man. The geographical location of the region only strengthens this importance. Competent regulation of sociocultural processes in the northern region will help to reveal and realize human, creative, intellectual, economic and natural potential to the fullest extent [7].
The need to study the peculiarities of functioning of northern cities in modern conditions is largely due to the fact that, firstly, the urban population is actively growing and renewing (an important fact: demographic population growth); secondly, the region is one of the main economically promising centers, where there are all the prerequisites for development not only in the extraction of energy resources and other minerals, but also in various sectors of the economy. In general, the Russian North has a huge potential for the development of production and the formation of a base for relevant scientific developments.
- Materials and methods
The research methodology is associated with the use of socio-cultural approach and system analysis, which allows us to identify the specifics of the northern city more comprehensively. The sociological portrait requires, of course, a more detailed applied research, which would cover a sufficiently large time period and allow for a comparative analysis of small and large northern cities, as well as large settlements of different regions located in the northern territories. Therefore, within the framework of this paper, an introductory generalizing material is proposed, which in the future will allow us to prepare an appropriate base for specific sociological studies and will provide the necessary factual material for compiling a general picture of the development of northern cities and regions as a whole. The purpose of the article’s research is to identify the peculiarities, prospects and main problems faced today by Russian citizens living in the cities of the northern region. For this purpose, the following tasks are supposed to be solved: first, to determine the specifics of socio-cultural development of the northern city; second, to describe the peculiarities of the environmental situation in the cities of the northern region and to analyze the existing situation in this sphere; and third, to show not only the existing problems, difficulties faced by the residents of the northern city, but also to demonstrate the potential that this region and its individual settlements undoubtedly have.
A special place in modern research devoted to the analysis of urban space is occupied by the anthropological approach, which allows us to look at the life of the city from the position of the worldview of the man himself, his evolution, needs and interests. «The success of adaptation in the conditions of birth and formation of the city largely depends on the degree and quality of development of social and socio-cultural institutions, which form a special space, in the mechanisms and boundaries of which the way of life of the urban population is tempered. This socio-cultural space provides the formation of culture that meets all the requirements of the concept of “city”» [10, p. 68]. This approach also allows us to understand the issues related to the problems of urbanization of northern territories.
- Results and Discussion
Today, Russia is actively seeking its place in the global balance of interests and forces, in a new order in which the configuration of processes changes in accordance with cultural and universal principles. Its status largely depends on the parameters of the cultural system it has. Modern researchers emphasize that: «… the city and urban cultural space are the creation of man and it is man and urban communities as a whole (as well as the stratigraphy of these communities) that should be the focus of urban anthropology, because man both forms and marks the cultural space of the city» [13, pp. 126-127]. The dynamics of the development of Russian regions shows us how new priorities gradually emerge and dominate. For example, in the field of management, it is becoming increasingly obvious to focus not only on the extraction of minerals, but also on a significant increase in the educational, scientific and cultural potential of the regions, their environmental safety. However, such intensive and multifaceted development does not yet solve all the problems that have currently arisen in the life of many northern cities. «Cities are an internally turbulent system, the behavior of which is impossible to describe and predict. Urban development occurs in conditions of high uncertainty of the external environment». At the present stage, it is important to identify and carefully analyze existing problems and those that still exist in a latent form, only in the form of certain symptoms. Thus, economic development is certainly associated with the development of the city, but at the same time it is not always an indicator of its socio-cultural well-being. Therefore, an analysis of the current situation shows that it is important to cover all significant indicators that contribute to improving the quality of life of modern residents of the North. The relevance of studying the cultural life of a northern city is also emphasized by special demographic indicators, the positive dynamics of which indicate the attractiveness of the region and it’s potential.
Northern cities develop under the influence of a variety of factors; they have a number of socio-cultural and ecological features that distinguish them from other regions. When highlighting the most typical features of a northern city, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the special climatic conditions in which the life of its population takes place. In particular, the presence of a harsh northern climate affects the lifestyle and culture of city dwellers; for example, a long winter and a short summer can significantly affect the lifestyle of city dwellers, making a variety of winter sports and leisure activities more common (skiing, skating, snowmobiling, fishing and hunting). Of course, it is important to consider that these features can vary significantly depending on the specific northern city and its history. The features of a northern settlement also include a special social structure that is focused on a specific industrial activity, such as resource extraction. The emergence of cities in the North of our country is largely due to economic needs and therefore the infrastructure of such a city was often formed as a secondary necessity, to maintain existing social ties and was largely oriented towards the needs of this particular territory and the people inhabiting it. An important feature is the inextricable link between the cultural development of northern settlements and respect, acceptance and understanding of the traditional culture and way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North. Therefore, one of the most important tasks (for the intelligentsia that has already formed in this territory, and those who represent local government) is the preservation of traditions, ritual practices, and the traditional way of life, including folk crafts, religious beliefs, and family life. An example of cultural synthesis is the spread of a special cuisine of northern peoples among the population (frozen vegetables and berries, fish, etc.). The North is also attractive for the development of domestic tourism, since here you can see the special beauty of the northern region, get acquainted with the culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, living right in the camp, engage in winter sports, and, finally, see the main attraction – the northern lights.
An important and even largely defining cultural feature of the northern regions is its multinationality. Indeed, a multinational population is often concentrated in northern cities, and this in turn contributes to cultural diversity, integration and socio-cultural exchange. It is important to keep in mind that: «Culture for young people to one degree or another ensures the reproduction of the most significant socio-cultural attitudes through their specific perception by the younger generation» [2 p. 550]. The development of education, science, and the arts, of course, has a significant impact on the intellectual development and cultural life in northern cities. Population growth was accompanied by the need to build an entire system of educational institutions from schools to universities, research institutes and laboratories, the development of which required the involvement of scientists and creative people from all over the country. Modern researchers also attribute the existing potential in the field of scientific and innovative development to the features of the northern regions. Most often, they focus on such features as: favorable geographical location; special climatic conditions; the predominance of resource-extracting industries in the region’s economy; a decrease in population in some regions by 20 to 40% over the past decades; dependence on supplies of food, fuel and various products; high material intensity of manufactured products; «northern price increases» and high costs of maintaining territories, which determines the low level of human capital development and low innovative activity of innovation entities.
Northern cities have their own peculiarities in the area of the existing demographic structure and related social processes. Firstly, low population density. Northern cities have a smaller population compared to southern cities, which is explained by harsher climatic conditions, which make the northern regions less attractive for living. Secondly, a high level of social isolation relative to large centers of the central regions of the country. Low population density and remoteness from other cities leads to the fact that residents of northern cities may experience a feeling of isolation. The lack of close communication can lead to problems with socialization and even to deterioration of mental health. Thirdly, this is stability and conservatism in relation to dominant values and traditions. In northern cities, traditional values and customs are preserved, which bring stability to social relations, while conservatism can be associated with the preservation of traditional relations in the family and society. The peculiarities of the northern territories also include complex migration processes and related demographic changes in cities. «The regions of the Far North and equivalent areas occupy about 70% of the territory of Russia; at the beginning of 2019, 9,883 thousand people lived here, or 6.7% of the country’s total population. The population density of these vast territories is extremely low even for such a sparsely populated country as Russia (about 0.8 people per 1 sq. km), and it continues to decline. Every year, the number of residents of this vast space decreases by several tens of thousands of people» [8, p. 431].
On the one hand, (especially in the territories of the Far North) migration flows may be difficult in some regions due to more difficult climatic conditions and some isolation from other cities. This may be due, for example, to long distances between settlements or lack of year-round transportation links (availability of crossings, bridges, etc.). On the other hand, early retirement can lead to the formation of a large layer of the population at retirement age, which ultimately affects the demographic structure of northern cities. However, it should be noted that at the same time in a number of cities there is a strong outflow of older people to the central regions of the country (some move to their children or return to their former place of residence with a more favorable climate). Many contemporary researchers of the North pay attention to this complex process. Thus, for example, it is noted that: «Large cities of Khanty-Mansiysk AO also do not experience a significant migration outflow of population, some are even growing. But such centers are not in every region, although by the number of large cities in harsh latitudes Russia is still ahead of all circumpolar countries» [8, p. 44]. It can also be agreed that: «Northern regions have always been notably different in their migration policy, which, first of all, was associated with the attraction of labor resources (shift work method) and only then the rest of the infrastructure was pulled up» [9, p. 38].
Some trends in recent years in the field of migration movements can lead to a serious transformation of the demographic situation in the northern regions and even a tense interethnic situation [12, 14]. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to a number of contemporary studies in this area, which emphasize that: «Migrations have introduced “perturbations” in all socio-demographic structures: the share of persons younger than working age has increased, the elderly have become more numerous, but the share of the able-bodied part has decreased. The quality of the population has undergone educational “erosion” — the northern territories have recently been receiving less qualified personnel, while they give more educated ones» [11, p. 119].
Therefore, the picture covering the demographic structure of northern cities is not homogeneous and requires specification in each individual case. However, the fact of the huge influence of migration on the education specifics and functioning of northern cities and even entire regions remains common for this region. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that some northern regions are characterized by active migration movement, which is associated with the possibility of obtaining high incomes for those who work on a rotational basis, or come to develop the North and stay here forever. «The northern territories of the subjects that are not entirely within the Far North and equated areas are characterized by a relatively low level of migration mobility due to much lower rates of external migration in relation to the region. This is mainly due to the fact that the peripherality of such territories within the non-northern region prevails over their “northernness”. As a result, migration flows are oriented towards the center of the region rather than outward» [3, p. 150].
The peculiarities include a special economic structure, which is formed taking into account the specifics of northern territories, complex transportation logistics, climate and other important natural conditions. Northern cities are often dominated by the industry of natural resources extraction, such as oil, gas, ore and others. This has a significant impact on the sustainability of the economic system, and thus on the entire social structure of society, since resource extraction can be associated with certain risks on the one hand and with high incomes on the other. Considering the peculiarities of urban development in the North, it is impossible not to mention climatic and environmental factors. Thus, in northern cities there is often a pronounced seasonality, which can have a significant impact on social processes. For example, a long winter period and harsh climate can lead to increased health risks for the population.
At the present stage, there are a number of problems that the population of northern cities faces in the social, economic and cultural spheres. Economic risks and instability are associated with the fact that many northern cities depend on limited sectors of the economy (a situation of single-industry cities arises), such as the extraction of natural resources. The risk is that destabilization in this sector (for various reasons) can lead to high unemployment and, ultimately, to a decrease in the population’s income and a general deterioration in the social situation. «According to the theory of new economic geography, the concentration of the population in larger cities will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of depressed small settlements. The solution to this problem lies either in the sphere of optimizing the placement of settlements, searching for a new spatial equilibrium, or in the development of transport and engineering infrastructure to overcome isolation and compensate for extreme living conditions» [1, p. 77]. Even in the recent past, a problem was noted associated with the inaccessibility of all the achievements of the modern health care system, since it was noted that the northern regions are significantly remote from the center and do not have the appropriate staffing. With a small population, medical services and medical personnel can be significantly limited, which already creates problems in the area of accessibility of quality medical care to the population, especially in small and hard-to-reach settlements. However, this problem is being successfully solved at present and today, in particular, people from other regions of the country come to the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug to receive highly professional specialized medical care.
It has long been recognized as a serious problem that there are obvious educational limitations in the remote northern territories. In the early stage of its formation, indeed, even large settlements experienced serious problems in this area. Obtaining affordable quality higher education was particularly problematic. However, already in the mid-90s, many northern cities created their own educational centers, established their own scientific schools, and it became possible to nurture young scientists who have connected their lives and careers with the harsh northern land. Problems that remain important today are certain seasonal limitations that arise as a result of harsh climatic conditions. For example, some northern cities may face a number of difficulties in transportation and communications, which for remote areas may be associated with temporary isolation during the winter months. In regions where indigenous peoples of the North live, preserving and supporting their traditional culture and way of life, national language, traditions, beliefs, folk crafts, and family life remains a priority. There is a risk of losing this cultural heritage if this issue is not given appropriate support and interest at the state level. Therefore, it is important to work in this direction at the present stage: «Supporting traditional cultural projects allows forming the idea that they do not destroy the environment they come to, but on the contrary, carefully preserve the cultural heritage. Focus on popular culture allows building a historical justification, linking modern industry with the history of local places» [4, p. 434].
The problem of environmental pollution is of particular concern for the inhabitants of the northern region. Exploitation of natural resources already now shows what we will have to face in the near future, as environmental pollution affects both the health of the population and the balance of the entire ecosystem. The solution of these problems requires an integrated approach, where all parties, including both state structures and local self-government, as well as various public organizations, local communities, capable of ensuring sustainable social and cultural development of the northern city, work in an actively coordinated manner.
- Conclusions
The quality of life for residents of the northern territories is determined by the level of comfort and general well-being, including opportunities for comprehensive and quality education (all levels and stages of education) and participation in research activities in all areas. At the same time, work is constantly expanding to create and modernize social, sports and cultural centers that provide equal opportunities for city residents and reach the majority of citizens, including the creation of inclusive space on their territory.
All factors are important for city life: ecology, economy, transportation and energy, including employment opportunities, salary levels, the pace of city development and, of course, its socio-cultural potential. The functioning of the city necessarily implies its rich spiritual life, which is realized in several directions and at different levels, because it includes: firstly, the desire of each individual for development; secondly, the cultural life within a certain community, group; thirdly, the process associated with the search and preservation of its identity within not only a separate region, but also the country as a whole.
Thus, the specificity of the northern territories should be considered simultaneously from the position of natural-climatic features and ecological balance, demography and migration processes, economic potential and raw material resources, socio-cultural integration and preservation of the culture of the peoples of the North.
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