Readiness of students of humanitarian and technical universities for family-marriage relations

Дата публикации: 01.06.2018

Readiness of students of humanitarian and technical universities for family-marriage relations

Zhdanova L.
Khasyanova A.
Аннотация: Readiness for family-marriage relations is an integral quality that includes many characteristics, including the corresponding set of moral values, the ability to effectively build interpersonal relationships and resolve conflict situations, empathy, and altruism. A study was made of the readiness for family and marriage relations between students of the humanitarian and technical universities. It was revealed that students of humanitarian profiles are more empathetic, inclined to compromise in conflict situations, they often put family life as a priority value. The obtained results suggest that students receiving a liberal arts education have a higher willingness to marry than students who receive a technical education.
Ключевые слова: readiness for family and marriage relations, the formation of a picture of the world, students of a technical university, students of a liberal arts university.
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