Navigating Global Challenges through Research Discoveries and Innovative Approaches: An Interplay of Fundamentals and Applications

Дата публикации: 31.01.2024

Navigating Global Challenges through Research Discoveries and Innovative Approaches: An Interplay of Fundamentals and Applications

Rodigina N.J.
Rodionov A.A.
Аннотация: Scientific discoveries and innovative approaches play an important role in solving the global problems faced by modern society. In this article, we will look at the interaction of fundamental principles and applications of science, their interrelation and impact on the development of innovations. Special attention will be paid to modern examples of scientific discoveries and innovative approaches used to solve global problems such as climate change, energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture and biomedicine. Finally, we will talk about the future of cooperation between basic science and innovative applications, and how this interaction can help overcome the challenges facing global development.
Ключевые слова: solving global problems, scientific discoveries, innovative approaches, fundamental principles, scientific research, applications of new technologies, sustainable development, environmental innovations, energy efficiency, innovations in healthcare, transport innovations, agriculture and food industry, climate change, environmental challenges, social responsibility
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