Application of 3D audio-visualization techniques in restoring upper limb function in patients with cerebral stroke

Дата публикации: 23.10.2020

Application of 3D audio-visualization techniques in restoring upper limb function in patients with cerebral stroke

Pomnikov V.G.
Alekhin A.N.
Sakovsky I.V.
Kemstach V.V.
Аннотация: In the last decade, they have increasingly begun to use virtual reality techniques in the correction of the motor sphere in cerebral stroke. However, the technical means for creating virtual reality have a wide cost and are not always available for widespread use. In this study, the authors created an original neurotrination technique using virtual reality, aimed at stimulating the reparative processes of the brain, through the use of an innovative polysensor (polymodal) neurotrainer to restore the motor function of the hands. The technique is based on the principle of mirror therapy, in which a person sees the movement of a healthy hand and perceives this as a movement of a paretic hand.
The study involved 20 patients in the acute period of cerebral stroke. All patients had impaired motor function of the upper limb in the form of paresis of the proximal muscle groups. A control group was also selected in which the restoration of the function of the upper limb was carried out according to standard methods. All patients tolerated treatment well; no adverse events were noted. In the study group, a more complete restoration of the motor function of the upper limb was noted than in the control group. A positive effect of the proposed technique on the emotional sphere of patients in the acute period of cerebral stroke was also noted.
The methodology used seems promising, as it is economically viable. It can also be used by the patient in the outpatient rehabilitation phase.
Ключевые слова: Cerebral stroke, early rehabilitation, virtual reality, motor function of the upper limb
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