Peculiarities of English phytonymical phraseological units

Дата публикации: 03.10.2023

Peculiarities of English phytonymical phraseological units

Maksat A.
Alibekova A.O.
Ibragimova E.A.
Аннотация: The plant kingdom, creating a human environment and providing humanity with everything necessary for life, is an important fragment of a linguistic worldview. The involvement of phytonyms in a linguistic worldview is multifaceted. The study of phytonyms in the linguocultural aspect provides a certain idea of the diverse linguistic phenomena of different peoples. Thus, the considered phraseological units with a phytonym in their composition make it possible to make a conclusion about the general components of the British linguistic worldview.
Ключевые слова: English, English phraseology, phraseological unit, linguo-culturology, linguistic worldview, phytonym.
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