Extracurricular activities as a means of emotional development of young school-age children

Дата публикации: 08.02.2018

Extracurricular activities as a means of emotional development of young school-age children

Breshkovskaya K.Yu.
Vilkonene I.
Аннотация: The article deals with the problem of emotional development of school-age children. In this article, interest in extracurricular activities are actualized as a means of emotional development of young school-age children. Principles, goals, tasks, main directions and content of extracurricular activities of young school-age children in the process of their emotional development are described. The age features of first-graders are determined, taking into account which extracurricular activities are built.
Ключевые слова: Emotional development, Age features of young school age children, Extracurricular activities.
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