Research of classification features of real estate objects

Дата публикации: 05.05.2020

Research of classification features of real estate objects

Filippova T.Ya.
Trofimov D.D.
Tereshina K.M.
Аннотация: Active involvement of appraisers in court proceedings, the need to provide accurate data in property valuation reports, new formats of materials and expert opinions make it necessary to analyze issues that have a practical focus and significance in the field of valuation. These include the study of classification features of real estate objects.
This is due to the fact that the scientific regulation of relations regarding real estate has its own specifics, due to the special properties of this property, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the object of assessment. Currently, the system of legal regulation fixes the technical description of the real estate object. Mandatory state registration of rights to it, which allows you to identify the object and the subject of the right, does not regulate the use of language that may exclude controversial issues and mislead when specifying the segment to which the object of evaluation belongs in the case of submitting an author's opinion based on the classification of the real estate object. The combination of these circumstances determined the direction of the study
Ключевые слова: real estate objects, classification, practical application in appraisal activity
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