Krohmaleva Alina Vladimirovna. «Sustainable development of regions in the process of economic integration»
Beglova Angela Nikolaevna, Frolova Elena Vladimirovna. «Improving the quality of education through the use of new»
Ivanova Alyona Petrovna, Semenov Platon Vlasevich, Gabysheva Lena, Shadrina Lyubov Ivanovna. «Analysis of the application of game forms of tasks using the LearningApps service for the «fundamentals of microbiology and immunology»»
Sabirov Vladimir Dmitrievich, Popova Irina Nikolaevna,. «Features of personnel office work in the conditions of digitalization of the system»
Popova Julia Alexandrovna,. «Real estate investments as an actual direction of capital investment in the modern economy»
Popov Yuri Alexandrovich. «Targeting as an actual tool of monetary policy in order to predict and optimize the volume of money supply»
Sipkina Tatyana Alekseevna, Sokolovskaya Irina Eduardovna. «Personal characteristics of teenagers with experience of sexual relationships»
Chebotaeva Olga Alekseevna, Svechnikova Natalia Sergeevna, Zmeeva Elizaveta Alexandrovna, Burlakova Nadezhda Yurievna.. «The influence of modern technology on the design of functional clothing»
Zhumabekova G.B., Zhadyrayeva A.B.. «Role-playing as a way of developing a dialogical form of communication in foreign language lessons in basic secondary education»