The degradation of society as a process of destruction of the individual, society and the state

UDC 316
Publication date: 28.08.2019
International Journal of Professional Science №8-2019

The degradation of society as a process of destruction of the individual, society and the state

Gluschenko V.M.
Pronkin N.N.316
1. Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Military science, Professor, Honorary
Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
Moscow Metropolitan Governance University
2.PhD in Economics, Associate professor of the First Moscow State
Medical I.M. Sechenov University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
(Sechenov University)
Abstract: The article sets to analyze the current state of security as a system. In this regard degradation of societies is regarded as a process of destruction of the individual, the society and the state when it comes to threats and risks materialization in the vital spheres of a nation’s existence.
Keywords: security, degradation of society.

The first 21st century decades have manifested themselves as qualitatively different from the previous epochs of the humanity’s survival in the circumstances of multiple multifaceted challenges of both internal and external nature, of fierce fight against environmental threats mostly of human origin as the consequence of life sustenance.

The picture of today’s world is full of paradoxes and contradictions, while some of scientific theories seem to be utterly absurd. Human knowledge has already reached beyond the limits of mundane thinking and lost the purity and the apparency of its notions of the world around us. Science is penetrating deeper and deeper into the domain where all its previous experience, methods and means have proven useless – that is into the realm of infinitely great and small quantities, where matter as such manifests itself so contrary to nature that the human mind is unable to perceive the meaning of things happening there. Paranormal phenomena are coming to the fore of research activities, as well as psi technologies of their study, formerly known as a-scientific that are now being used at the cross-points of actual reality with the alternate reality.

In the paradoxical world of the alternate reality a particle is simultaneously a wave,  may appear out of thin air and disappear likewise, can exchange information instantaneously, be in different places at one and the same time, time can go backwards from the future to the past and space can be multidimensional etc. However, almost all of these qualities have parallels and analogies in astrophysics and quantum mechanics [4].   A lot of empirical data has been collected by now that confirms the existence of the alternate reality as the noosphere’s giant resonator.  The scientific frame of reference for this research is the morality and ethics that rule out any commercial or promotion considerations. Psi technology being the main research method tackles the strange and inexplicable but real life facts of human soul such as telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance et al. What underlies the method is the intuitive and sensuous approach to perception of information that reaches the human subconscious mind as intuitive enlightenments and insights under altered states of consciousness, aimed at the deepest possible immersion into the study subject matter.

At the same time a global paradox is looming today:  the time of uncompromising struggle has come for the human race to oppose the degradation of the environment and all of its societal structures, including security structures of all levels. The struggle  — by means of full-court restoration of the tattered biosphere, the utterly  destroyed cultural, moral, intellectual and informational constituents of  individuals and society, and by extension – by blocking the deep degeneration of all basic spheres of the life sustenance of mankind.  Woefully the global strategic security blunders that have already been made by the humanity in the previous centuries cannot be mended by however grandiose national projects of individual states and their local alliances that make oftentimes controversial attempts to avert the imminent  impending  global catastrophe by tactical means.

An all-out consolidation of efforts by the entire human race is required today on a global scale to avert the already looming process of total degradation that corrupts the very essence and the intellectual faculty of the human mind and society. Tailoring of the future evolution of the humanity must proceed from the premise of its guaranteed survival on planet Earth in accordance with the natural laws of evolution and social development through the elaboration of closely interlinked global and regional projects and concepts that would provide security for individuals, nations, states and the entire human race based on universal norms and common decisions.  Contrary to that, the growing realization of the need for the planetary unity is ineffective and is fraught with racial and ethnic hatred, class and social antagonisms, extremist and terrorist attacks against healthy globalism, plunging the world into multiple wars and conflicts, whereby the emotional fever pitch obscures the spiritual and moral foundations for a possible and so much needed international unity to oppose general degradation in the interests of common survival [6].

The hour of reckoning has come exposing the global threat of the new age – the beginning of the general degeneration of the human race as a result of wrongful utilization of the accumulated critical mass of new knowledge and intellectual resources, all of which is leading to uncontrolled transformations  in societal intellectual activity and its reproduction. Progress is no longer possible at the expense of unlimited consumption of material resources based on existing moral and ethical norms and values, customary survival indices and criteria, as well as the ensuing ways of life that lead to the loss of mental stability of both individual and society.

As a result, uncontrolled global population growth is under way putting its own security and reproduction quality at jeopardy, which breeds further threats of barbarism and terrorism acquiring omnipotence, against the background of unlimited growth of the power of means of mass destruction. The new age however must not become the time of a human rat race for survival of some societies at the expense of the others. This would be the path to global degradation and final demise.  Academician Vernadsky’s theory of biosphere development and its transition to a new state – noosphere holds that intellectually our civilization’s future development will be determined by human Intelligence. The theory sets an objective of shaping a new society of a safe type based on upbringing, educating and developing a safe individual personality possessing the required intellectual, ethical and moral resources. A vitally important need has evolved of rising the security issues to the global noospheric level, and marrying up all the diverse scientific trends into one sole science oriented towards a safe existence of individuals, nations, states and the human race as a whole.

The new age that’s upon us must be organized in a secure way in the interests of all social mediums and universal security. Global degradation of humankind must be checked by the mankind itself.

It’s common knowledge that any change of a material system, as well as its new quality occurs due to addition or withdrawal of matter (energy).  In the case of a social medium, however, its state is largely if not mainly determined by the imbedded immaterial (spiritual) constituent, which depends upon and at the same time strongly affects its material base. The pace of the social medium’s transition into a new state depends upon the intensity of integrated amplitudes’ impact, periodicity, duration, intensity and phase differential of negative and positive material and immaterial impacts in all the various spheres of life and categories of social medium’s assets.

In historical materialism terms degradation of social mediums plays a significant role since human behavior, that of social systems and states, as well as their interrelations with other social mediums, communities, their political ambitions, spiritual and material values are a function of levels and potentials’ characteristics of interacting negative (challenges) and positive impacts in various spheres of life and categories of social medium’s assets. That said the negative impacts are predominant, since they represent the basis for spiritual and emotional perceptions and response reactions of individuals and society. Thus for individuals the basic elements of such reactions are defensive, material, spiritual, food and other instincts that guarantee survival and propagation. For the society and the state these are security and stability that guarantee the social mediums survival and sustainable development. The set of these characteristic basic elements of a social medium that are genetically ingrained guarantees its preservation over the course of the entire history, irrespective of both progress or degradation in whether spiritual or material spheres of human life, as well as of the pitch of social turmoil.

One has to recognize that based of the cyclic law of historical development the future can be predicted with various levels of probability by analogy with preceding events in similar social and political situations of the earlier historical periods.

The departing age of industrial civilization has created a multitude of separate and less than effective man-machine systems due to poor reliability of the elements base and equally poor functional adaptability of man to tough operating conditions of those systems. As a result industrial disasters and catastrophes are coming to the fore of social perils and threats, with 400 thousand annual victims in Russia alone and growing by 10-30% each year. American scientists of 1980s attempted to mathematically size the likelihood of an accidental nuclear exchange in the course of several decades. The chance of a nuclear catastrophe was calculated as 70% for the period of 50 years. That is to say that by 2030 this chance becomes a real probability. We would like to draw the readers’ attention to the fact that this forecast is quite similar to that of Alexander Poluch (a Russian writer) regarding the possibility of a nuclear catastrophe somewhere around 2025, as laid down in his book “2013. Remembering the Future” [6].

Radical changes on the Russian economic scene in the late 20th century have led to the dismantling of the existing property relations, industrial potential, historically established ties, to criminalization of social and economic relations.  They gave rise to theoretical, conceptual and practical security problems, have undermined the national spiritual bonds, and most importantly — the nation’s Morale. The host of persistent internal and external national security threats facing Russia can only be warded off and its national interests can only be upheld and realized if based on the economy’s sustainable development process backed by restoration of the nation’s moral and spiritual values jettisoned in the years of perestroika. The strenuous efforts of President Putin and his team made it possible to consolidate the sympathies of 90% of the country’s population to make that national task a reality. Russia’s economic foundation however is still unstable and feeble [7]. The political system is not sufficiently developed. Most industries are not competitive. Public service is slacking. The Russian population figures are woefully coming down. Poverty is giving ground way too slowly. The people’s spiritual and moral status is quite low. The international tensions still persist. Competitive strive in the world economy is not relaxing. All around Russia there thrive economically successful countries that can’t wait to push Russia away from the lucrative world markets, while their clear economic advantage breeds their geopolitical ambitions. The role of muscle play in the international affairs remains critical, while the levels and the scale of the military threats compel states to regard military defense efforts as one of their overriding concerns.

At the same time the existing level of maturity of the world community and its production forces in all walks of life calls for notching new goals and tasks on the way to progress and prosperity, while checking the global degradation tendencies. Setting new goals of human development will help integrate states into world economy, upgrade both material and spiritual life, join forces to further space exploration, open new cutting-edge energy sources and materials that would boost our civilization, develop innovative technologies, engineering genetics, novel energy-saving technologies, speed up the advent of new philosophical and conceptual ideas of democratic development, optimize individual and social thinking toward those goals.

The new goals and tasks though do not cancel out the laws of the dialectic. Reaching them today means staying on the tracks of globalization and integration of economy, politics and other walks of life; it involves concentration of resources for the sake of arriving at breakthrough solutions of social development. This is the path where acceleration and development inevitably go side by side with degradation, evolution, deformations and replacing social systems that are out-of-date. Success attends the nations that wisely and dynamically integrate into the world economy [7]. In this regard one cannot but be impressed by assertive strategically minded solutions and moves of Russia’s President V. Putin of setting up the global system of energy safety and that of key national projects: boosting healthcare, sports, education and culture, cultivating moral and spiritual values, carrying out demographic revival of the nation, fast-track social and economic upturn of Russia’s Far East region, along with central and southern districts et al.  For Russia as a multinational federative state the notion of “national security” means security of the whole plenitude of nations and ethnic groups living in its territory and forming one whole super-ethnos. The constituent parts of Russia’s security are: domestic affairs, foreign trade, geopolitics, economy, morale, ecology and other elements that exist as one system, are interdependent and interactive.

Social mediums’ security in a broad sense is deemed as a treats free environment for them to thrive, which integral potential is however fraught with danger of giving rise to degradation processes, should security potential be insufficient to check degradation in a timely manner,  that otherwise could eventually lead to the social mediums’ demise. Therefore the sufficient security degree could be defined as a presumption of the absence of social degradation that requires exorbitant resources to timely avert or eliminate it.

Meant to resist social degradation are all spheres of the society’s existence, the assets, the security system thereof – the main sources of positive development factors. The chief goal is to pinpoint characteristics, locations and the role of the existing and new threats and challenges, the risks for every social sphere, individually and as a whole, to prioritize place, time frames and ways for timely prevention, blocking and elimination of the threats in order to minimize the potential damage at the least cost. The basic optimization criteria is the minimum security degree achievable in a given social medium resulting from the chosen positive and negative degradation countermeasures. The security system efficiency index is the correlation of the prevented damage level with the potential integral damage level. Furthermore, the level of residual unaverted damage is an indicator of the probable level of social degradation in the event of potential damage becoming a reality [2].

The mathematical models’ qualitative analysis describing consistent patterns of social degradation processes, shows their expressed harmonious nature with varying cyclicity of the component harmonic waves and oscillation amplitudes, that are subject to the laws of oscillation beats and resonance of the societal spiritual spheres, whereby complex harmonics possessing various amplitudes, frequencies and phases, when separate frequencies coalesce, form resonances and beats which amplitudes alternatively rise and fade. Conversely, social degradation processes emerge when a critical mass of the involved positive or negative elements is reached in a critical point in time and space.

The indispensable condition of stable development (or degradation for that matter) of any process in a social medium is equilibrium or predominance of accumulated masses of positive (negative) elements thereof over negative  (positive) elements in the critical points in time and space. If at any critical point in time and space the equilibrium is upset either way, the whole process is destabilized and passes into a new state of accelerated (decelerated) development or degradation. As a result normal management of a social medium means timely investment of sufficient facilities and resources to block and remove the accumulated of newly emerging external and internal threats. The prerequisite condition of the advent of degradation processes in a multipolar meta-system is the emergence of polarization processes of a social medium’s goals and interests within its structure that cause degeneration of the multipolar meta-system into a bi-polar system with antagonistic and conflicting goals and interests of parties involved in critical points in space and time. The emerging conflicts of the actors’ goals and interests or incoherence in what regards reaching common goals, breed complexes of threats and risks that create mutual negative critical masses within social mediums in various walks of life and property categories. A canonical social medium’s degradation formula in each sphere at each moment in time is the derivative of accumulated unaverted damage in time equal to the difference between integrated potential damage and integrated averted damage in critical points of space and time. Therefore social degradation in any sphere is true if its functional value is greater than zero, that is to say that the tempo of negative risks potential accumulation is greater than that of positive potential aimed at averting degradation.

Risk management is an essential function of a security system, which efficiency is a gauge of expediency and justifiability of setting up and operating a security system under systematic impact of geopolitical, political, military, social, economic, financial, anthropogenic and other risks of various hierarchic levels. Analysis and simulation evaluation of operations and processes of security systems indicate that their critical fundamental properties are those of specific-purpose effect, input of time and resources, as well as risks involved.

Thus to meet the above criteria and indices involved in setting up a security system of various levels it is of paramount importance to provide for the highest level of their functional quality: the intellect, manageability, information awareness, self-discipline, secrecy and sustainability.


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