Decision of the court of first instance on civil affairs and its content

UDC 34
Publication date: 29.10.2021
International Journal of Professional Science №9-2021

Decision of the court of first instance on civil affairs and its content

Esenbekova P.
Okyulov O.
Esanova Z.
Ibratova F.

1. senior teacher of South Kazakhstan
M. Auezov State University, Ph.D
2. Professor of the Tashkent State
Law University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law
3. Professor of the Tashkent State
Law University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law
4. Associate Professor of the Tashkent State
Law University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law
Abstract: The article examines the content of the decisions of the court of first instance in civil cases, the nature of the substantive relations of the final part of the decision. It is concluded that the introductory and concluding part of a reasoned decision must literally correspond to the introductory and concluding part of the decision announced on the day of the end of the consideration of the case.
Keywords: decision, civil cases, judicial act, first instance, legal norms, trial.

The essence of the decision is manifested in its influence on subject-legal relations, which firmly confirms the kinship of the subjects of the material (whether there are legal relations, its changes) relations or other legal aspects of the claim, eliminates the dispute in them, allows to freely exercise the rights and interests protected by law, and thereby protecting them[1]. In this sense, the decision of the court is an important act of justice, placing the case on the merits.

The decision of the first instance court, in addition to the features characterizing the content of the decisions of the first instance court mentioned above, also has the following features:

First, a court decision is an act of a judicial body administering justice[2]. Although this feature is common to all acts of the court of first instance, it is of particular importance for decision-making. After all, the decision is a procedural document of the court that resolves the essence of the dispute. Unlike other judicial acts, decisions are made on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Secondly, the decision of the court ends the proceedings as an act of the right of application, resolves a material dispute between the parties, restores the interests protected by law and violated rights. Like other acts, the court decision is made on the basis of the current legislation and does not establish the norms of the law.[3].

Thirdly, the decision of the court is made based on the results of the consideration of the case on the merits and in the procedural form. The court determines the circumstances of the case directly in the court session and upon its completion resolves the dispute on the merits. The legislation on civil procedure determines the procedure for the issuance of court decisions and issues to be resolved in this process[4]. Legislatively established norms on the content of the decision under the law, correction of clerical errors in the text of the decision and obvious arithmetic errors in the decision, its explanation, postponement and execution in installments, changing the method and procedure for executing the decision, and the entry into force of the decision.

Consequently, a court decision is a procedural act that resolves the dispute on the merits and restores the violated or contested rights and interests protected by law, which the court takes in the procedural form prescribed by law, on the basis of considering the case on the merits[5].

One decision is made for each civil case. The decision can be made in the order of all types of legal proceedings, except for the type of proceedings by order [6]. These are cases on claims, as well as on special proceedings. During the proceedings, the decision is made in accordance with the general rules provided by the Code of Civil Procedure. However, the law may also provide for some exceptions and additional rules for these categories of cases.

Sh. Sh. Shorakhmetov states in his textbook about the educational value of the court decision: “If the citizens present in the court are satisfied with the court’s decision and understand the correctness of this decision, if they have no doubts about its correctness, the goal of the court will be achieved. The welcoming decision of the court makes citizens think that they must comply with the law and that their relations with each other, with the state and public organizations must be built in accordance with the requirements of the law and the rules of society»[7].

The court’s decision will help educate citizens in the spirit of respect for the law, eliminate legal nihilism, promote the law[8].

The court’s decision is aimed at determining the true state of affairs using evidence, protecting the legal rights and interests of citizens, legal entities and other public associations through the application of substantive and procedural law.

The decision of the court, as a procedural document, must be clearly stated in four parts: introductory, descriptive, motivating and operative. Each part has its own text and content, and together they form a judgment. Consequently, when writing a decision, the courts are obliged to follow the sequence established by Article 206 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Introductory part of the solution. The court’s decision begins with the name of the decision to be made, that is, «Decision». The introductory part should indicate that the court makes a decision in the name of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The introductory part of the decision should also indicate:

— time and place of decision making. According to the literary source, the date of the decision is considered the date of signing by the judge (judges) who adopted it[9];

– the name of the court that made the decision;

– the name of the judge (composition of the court), the secretary of the court session;

– parties, other persons participating in the case;

– subject of dispute[10].

The descriptive part of the decision is much broader, since this part specifies the specific circumstances of the case.

The descriptive part of the judgment is drawn up in the same order in which the parties and other persons set out the circumstances of the case. This part contains the requirements, a summary of the defendant’s objections and explanations of other persons involved in the case. The fact that the plaintiff changes the requirements (change in the basis or subject of the claim, increase or decrease in the amount of the claim, waiver of the claim) must be indicated in this part. This information will be helpful in determining the subject matter of the requirements satisfied[11].

The court must rule on the amended claim. However, if the court accepts a complete waiver of the claim, the court will adopt a ruling to terminate the proceedings, rather than a decision[12]. The descriptive part of the decision may also indicate the procedural requirements of the parties and other persons participating in the case.

According to Sh. Shorakhmetov, the explanatory part of the decision should be as short as possible and fully explain what is at stake. This part must describe the claims of the plaintiff and their grounds, as well as the objections of the defendant to the claim of the plaintiff and the materials on which these objections are based. If a third party has submitted an independent claim, this part should indicate the involvement of third parties with independent claims and their demand. If the decision on the case was made only once and the case was dismissed in the appeal and cassation instance, it is necessary to indicate that the previous decisions were made, and what instructions were indicated by the higher court in the new ruling[13].

The reasoning part of the decision must indicate the factual and legal grounds for the conclusion of the court on the case. In particular, this part of the decision indicates the circumstances of the case determined by the court, the evidence on the basis of which the court’s conclusions about the circumstances of the case are drawn, conclusions based on the rejection of a particular fact by the court, as well as substantive law (civil, family, land, labor, housing), name, article of legislative acts, as well as legal norms.

In the reasoning part of the decision, the court analyzes the documents submitted by the parties, the facts established in the court session, the conclusion on the relationship between the parties and the legal assessment of these relationships [14]. In other words, this part of the judgment is an assessment of the evidence indicating which claims of the plaintiff or defendant were found to be correct and in accordance with which legislation.

In the motivating part of the decision, the circumstances of the grandfather, determined by the court, are indicated, the evidence in the case is analyzed, the substantive law applicable to the case is determined, and their interpretation is given.

The court substantiates its findings with the facts of the case, the evidence examined.

If the defendant fully admits the claim and he does not violate the law and does not violate anyone’s legitimate interests, the court will limit itself to confirming the confession. Otherwise, the recognition of the claim will not be confirmed by the court[15].

If the claim is rejected due to the omission of the statute of limitations or the recognition of the omission of the statute of limitations as disrespectful, the reasoning part of the decision is not indicated. If applications are filed on procedural issues, the court must substantiate its decision on these issues.

If necessary, the court must also apply the relevant decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This requirement must be met when setting out the content of the relevant provisions in the final part of the decision. If the defendant recognizes the claim, the reasoning part of the decision must indicate that the claim admitted that it was recognized by the court and accepted.

The final part of the decision must contain the full name of the parties, the last name, first name, patronymic and legal form of the legal entity, the conclusion of the court on the satisfaction (in whole or in part) of the claim or on the refusal in whole or in part. It is also necessary to indicate the distribution of specific expenses, the terms and procedure for appealing the decision[16]. The final part of the decision must be clearly and concisely stated so that there are no misunderstandings and disputes during the execution of the decision.

Depending on the nature of substantive relations, the final parts of the decision differ significantly from each other[17].

In the decision on the collection of funds, the court indicates the collection period, the total amount of the amounts to be collected, with a separate determination of the amount of the principal debt, losses, penalties and interest. When collecting funds from an organization, the decision indicates the nature of the funds recovered, as well as from which account of the defendant in the bank the awarded amount should be debited[18].

In case of full or partial satisfaction of the initial and counterclaims, the court in the decision indicates the amount to be collected as a result of offset (Article 257 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

When awarding property in kind, the court indicates in the decision the name of the property to be transferred to the plaintiff, the location and value of the property that must be recovered from the defendant, if the property is not available during the execution of the decision (Article 258 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

According to the eighth paragraph of clause 14 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Plenum of the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 10, 2009 No. 06/196 «On some issues of judicial practice on the application of legislation on the execution of judicial acts», when making a decision obliging the defendant to make certain actions not related to the transfer of property or sums of money, the court in the same decision may indicate that if the defendant does not execute the decision within the prescribed period, then the plaintiff has the right to perform these actions at the expense of the defendant, followed by collection of the necessary expenses from him. If the indicated actions can be performed only by the defendant, the court shall set in the decision a time limit during which the decision must be executed.

The final part of the court’s decision also indicates the measures taken to enforce the decision. For example, in special cases established by law, depending on the circumstances of the case, the execution of the decision may be postponed or carried out in parts, the term for its execution and the conditions for the immediate execution of the decision[19].

According to Article 249 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the court decision is made immediately after the end of the trial. However, in exceptional cases, in particularly complex cases, the preparation of a reasoned decision may be postponed for a period of no more than five years, but the operative part of the decision must be announced by the court at the same session in which the proceedings of the case ended. At the same time, the court announces when the persons participating in the case can familiarize themselves with the reasoned decision[20]. The announced operative part of the decision is signed by the judge and attached to the case.

The introductory and concluding part of the reasoned decision must literally correspond to the introductory and concluding part of the decision announced on the day of the end of the consideration of the case. The date of the end of the consideration of the case and the announced final part of the decision shall be considered as the date of issuance. The announced final part of the decision and the reasoned decision of the court shall be signed by the judge (composition of the court) and attached to the case. The term for appealing and protesting against a reasoned decision is calculated from the date of the decision by the court.

[1] Барышова, М. В., Белый, В. С., Глущенко, В. М., Ибратова, Ф. Б., Новиков, А. Н., & Пронькин, Н. Н. (2019). Социальное предпринимательство: научные исследования и практика.

[2] Ибратова Ф. Б. Банкротство ликвидируемого субъекта предпринимательства: проблемы и решения //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 58-2.

[3] Ibratova F., Esenbekova F. GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF LEGISLATION ON CONCEPTIONAL PROCEDURES IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Polish Journal of Science. – 2021. – №. 38-2. – С. 20-24.

[4] Esenbekova, F. T. (2019). Esenbekova FT, Okyulov O., Ruzinazarov Sh., Ibratova FB Features of the approval of the world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. Editorial team10(39), 90.

[5] Цувина Т. А. Мотивированность решений суда и право на суд в гражданском судопроизводстве //Проблемы законности. – 2012. – №. 121.

[6] Atalykova G., Ibratova F., Esanova Z. LEGAL ISSUES ON REVOKING ADOPTION: THEORY AND PRACTICE //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 60-3. – С. 10-13.

[7] Шорахметов Ш.Ш. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Дарслик. – Тошкент.: Адолат. 2001. – 232 б.

[8] Okyulov, O., Sh, R., Esenbekova, F., Burkhankhodzhaeva, H., & Ibratova, F. (2021). GENERAL PROVISIONS ON INVALIDITY OF TRANSACTIONS IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEDUR. Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science, (68), 18-21.

[9] Гражданский процесс / Учебник. Отв. ред. Проф. В.В.Ярков. – М.: Волтерс Клувер. 2004. – 307 с.

[10] Мамасиддиков М.М. Фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Умумий қисм. Дарслик. Масъул муҳаррир. ю.ф.д., проф. О.Оқюлов. – Тошкент.: ТДЮИ нашриёти. 2010. – Б.493.

[11] Ibratova F. Legal Problems of the Concepts Legality, Justification and Justice by Judicial Acts //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. – Т. 16.


[13] Шорахметов Ш. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Дарслик. – Тошкент.: Адолат. 2001. – Б.236-237.

[14] Ibratova, F. B., Kirillova, E. A., Smoleń, R., Bondarenko, N. G., Shebzuhova, T. A., & Vartumyan, A. A. (2017). Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions.


[16] Скобелев В. П. Некоторые вопросы представительства в суде по гражданским делам. – 2007.

[17] Понамарева Л. А. Решение суда по гражданским делам: теоретико-правовые основы. – 2017.

[18] Арсени И. Проблемы мотивированности решения суда по гражданским делам через призму практики европейского суда по правам человека //Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective. – 2020. – С. 410-418.

[19] Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.

[20] Терехова Л. А. Мотивировка решений по гражданским делам //Омские научные чтения. – 2017. – С. 1004-1006.


1. Atalykova G., Ibratova F., Esanova Z. LEGAL ISSUES ON REVOKING ADOPTION: THEORY AND PRACTICE //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 60-3. – С. 10-13.
2. Арсени И. Проблемы мотивированности решения суда по гражданским делам через призму практики европейского суда по правам человека //Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective. – 2020. – С. 410-418.
3. Барышова, М. В., Белый, В. С., Глущенко, В. М., Ибратова, Ф. Б., Новиков, А. Н., & Пронькин, Н. Н. (2019). Социальное предпринимательство: научные исследования и практика.
4. Гражданский процесс / Учебник. Отв.ред.проф. В.В.Ярков. – М.: Волтерс Клувер, 2004. – С.316-317.
5. Esenbekova, F. T. (2019). Esenbekova FT, Okyulov O., Ruzinazarov Sh., Ibratova FB Features of the approval of the world agreement by the economic court: practice and theory. Editorial team, 10(39), 90.
6. Ибратова Ф. Б. Банкротство ликвидируемого субъекта предпринимательства: проблемы и решения //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2021. – №. 58-2.
7. Ibratova F., Esenbekova F. GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF LEGISLATION ON CONCEPTIONAL PROCEDURES IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Polish Journal of Science. – 2021. – №. 38-2. – С. 20-24.
8. Ibratova F. Legal Problems of the Concepts Legality, Justification and Justice by Judicial Acts //Middle European Scientific Bulletin. – 2021. – Т. 16.
10. Ibratova, F. B., Kirillova, E. A., Smoleń, R., Bondarenko, N. G., Shebzuhova, T. A., & Vartumyan, A. A. (2017). Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions.
11. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
12. Мамасиддиков М.М. Фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Умумий қисм. Дарслик. Масъул муҳаррир. ю.ф.д., проф. О.Оқюлов. – Тошкент.: ТДЮИ нашриёти. 2010. – Б.493.
13. Okyulov, O., Sh, R., Esenbekova, F., Burkhankhodzhaeva, H., & Ibratova, F. (2021). GENERAL PROVISIONS ON INVALIDITY OF TRANSACTIONS IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEDUR. Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science, (68), 18-21.
14. Понамарева Л. А. Решение суда по гражданским делам: теоретико-правовые основы. – 2017.
15. Скобелев В. П. Некоторые вопросы представительства в суде по гражданским делам. – 2007.
16. Терехова Л. А. Мотивировка решений по гражданским делам //Омские научные чтения. – 2017. – С. 1004-1006.
17. Шорахметов Ш.Ш. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Дарслик. – Тошкент.: Адолат. 2001. – 232 б.
19. Шорахметов Ш.Ш. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг фуқаролик процессуал ҳуқуқи. Дарслик. – Тошкент.: Адолат. 2001. – 231-б.
20. Цувина Т. А. Мотивированность решений суда и право на суд в гражданском судопроизводстве //Проблемы законности. – 2012. – №. 121.