Trend Analytics: Anarchic Sentiments of Generation Z and Their Reflection in the System of the Latest Fashion in the First Quarter of the 21st Century

Дата публикации: 27.12.2021

Trend Analytics: Anarchic Sentiments of Generation Z and Their Reflection in the System of the Latest Fashion in the First Quarter of the 21st Century

Sysoeva O.Yu.
Tikhomirova E.S.
Аннотация: Activity in various spheres of life is one of the essential features of the youth cohort. Gen Z is no exception in this regard. Today this generation is of particular importance in the consumer market, so it is especially important to study and understand its features. They differ from previous generations by their active political position and activities in this area. This article will examine the manifestation of Gen Z's attitude to politics in street and haute couture collections.
Ключевые слова: Generation Z, political activity, political position, street fashion, high fashion, unisex, Adidas AG, Greenpeace.
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