Аннотация: This article is devoted to clarifying the concept of "distance learning". The author emphasizes the importance of this form of education not only during the lockdown and also underlines the need to improve the process of online English language teaching at the University through the introduction of advanced learning technologies that link the SAMR model, B. Bloom's taxonomy, computer applications and services, online resources with specific modern pedagogical tasks, methods and approaches contained in the Padagogy Wheel invented by
A. Carrington.
A. Carrington.
Ключевые слова: distance learning, e-learning, distance learning perspectives, advanced learning technologies (ALTs), SAMR model, B. Bloom's taxonomy, A. Carrington's Padagogy Wheel, project based learning (PBL), online resources for teaching English.
Статья в сборнике научных трудов по материалам конференции (форума) «International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research»