Conference Proceedings (сборник научных трудов по материалам конференции) International Research Conference on Technology, Science, Engineering & Management, 25.01.2023, Seattle, USA
Список статей:
- Zorin A. «The Theme of Love in the Work of Francoise Sagan»
- Tulaganovа G.Z., Ibratova F.B., Otaboeva M.R. «Civil legal status of artificial intelligence»
- Chertanova D.R. «Prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in the adult population»
- Notik M. «Verbal behavior as an effective form of communication of a socio-political figure (on the example of Dwight David Eisenhower)»
- Bashmakova N. «Professional training of specialists for the judicial system at the university as a pedagogical problem»
- Zak A. «Dynamics of actions of reasoning and ways of solving problems of fifth-graders»