Telovov N. K. Abdulmajidov H. A., Martynova N. B.,. «Hardening of machine parts with the use of electromechanics»
Smetanina Tatyana Vladimirovna. «The relationship of quality management standards with the management of the organization»
Дюсембаева Л.К.. «The role of small entrepreneurship in the economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Марнаутов Николай Александрович Комиссарова Любовь Хачиковна Елфимов Антон Борисович. «The Influence of Various Conditions on the Possibility of Self-Oxidation of Natural Porphyrins»
Абдрахманов Айнур Фаязович, Научный руководитель: Аглямова Г. М.. «On the issue of the reasons and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption crimes»
Kuznetsova Dinara Surkova Natalyia,. «Analysis of features of using iterative design methods for big data systems»
Hashemi D. M. Supervisor: Mitrofanova I. V.. «The function of conservation of human capital in achieving organizational agility»