Sidorkovich Daria Romanovna Fedorov Andrey Sergeevich Vorobiev O.V.. «Node-RED software development for access and control system RFID-based»
Andreev Roman Aleksandrovich Prasolov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fedorov Andrey Sergeevich. «BLER estimation of NB-IoT narrowband physical uplink shared channel»
Andreev Roman Aleksandrovich Prasolov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fedorov Andrey Sergeevich. «BLER estimation of NB-IoT narrowband physical downlink shared channel»
Medvedeva Maria Ivanovna Nikolaeva Natalia Valeryevna. «Investigation of the possibility of complete replacement of sugar with fructose in the production technology of foamy confectionery»
Byrda Anastasia Anatolievna Akmatalieva Aida Satylganovna. «Assessment of the impact on the cadastral value of land plots in the Kaliningrad region of the factor of their belonging to various urban districts»
Kharrasov A.F., Saryg S.K.. «Investigation of some anthropological features residents of Tuva of different climatic zones»
Дугаров Умалат Исаевич, Шпагина Мадина Хадисовна, Хочиева Жамиля Халимовна, Абрегова Жанна Аслановна, Кафоев Арсен Алимович Научный руководитель: Гендугова Оксана Мухарбиевна. «Clinical microbiology of endodontics»
Li-Chuan Lien, Unurjargal Dolgorsuren. «On the Performance Evaluation of a Collaborative Swarm Intelligence Approach Particle Bee Algorithm»