Karbyshev Alexander Valerievich,. «Innovative technologies in the organization of passenger transportation as a way to solution socio-economic problems of the region»
Tolstykh Angelina Igorevna. «Prospects for the development of Russian relations with Africa countries»
Chagina E.A., Mizina K.K., Kozlov S.A., Ivanova A.Yu.. «Comparison of respiratory disease dynamics in the adult population in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Krai»
Tolstykh Angelina Igorevna. «Modern economic diplomacy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of global transformation of international relations»
Melekhov Kirill Alexandrovich,. «Increasing the efficiency of management processes in the modern world using the example of high-tech companies»
Tian Ye,. «Application (integration) of traditional cultural elements in Chinese art and design education»
Toygambayev S.K., Shamuratov D.D.. «Organization of a site for the restoration of camshafts of machines»
Toygambayev S.K.,. «Overview of plasma heating characteristics and equipment for plasma surfacing of camshafts»
Pyshny Kirill Andreevich, Drovovozova Ekaterina Evgenievna, Chorieva Anastasia Alexandrovna Nikiforov Denis Yurievich,. «The use of artificial intelligence in the field of solid waste management»