Zalikhanova Leila Ibragimovna Abazov Vladimir Zaurbekovich. «Subjective signs of group hooliganism and mass violence»
Kurbonova Zulfiya M. Eshonkulova Firuza S.. «Modern challenges and security threats in the Central Asian region and the role of Russia»
Savran M.A., Petkov V.I., Chagina E.A., Turmova E.P., Ivanova A.Yu.. «Epidemiological assessment of the dynamics of respiratory morbidity in the Primorsky territory among children aged 0-14 years old»
Zhupenova D.E., Turlybekova S.A., Kenzhetaeva T.A., Akhaeva A.S., Skosarev I.A., Kysabekova A.B. Zhumagulova S.E.. «Active methods of training in practical classes in a medical university»
Savateeva Ekaterina Scientific adviser - Alekseeva E.,. «Organization of project and research activities of schoolchildren using the «GeoGebra» program»