Shmandina Kseniya Vadimovna, Scientific adviser: Shmandina K.V.. «Comparison of tooth cleaning methods as a fundamental factor in maintaining dental health»
Kulikov Denis Alekseevich Sokolovsky Dmitry Nikolaevich Belov Pavel Sergeevich Brovchenko Olga Alexandrovna. «The development path of lean manufacturing, the basic concept»
Kashcheev Kirill Olegovich, Shiryaev Alexander Dmitrievich,. «Prospects for the use of hybrid energy systems based on renewable energy sources»
Piletskaya Anastasia Sergeevna. «New technologies in the production of bioplastics: prospects and environmental significance»
Tukbekova B.T., Skosarev I.A., Kenzhetayeva T.A., Zhupenova D.E., Akhayeva A. S., Turlybekova S.A., Kyssabekova A.B., Kenzhetayeva Z.A., Zhumagulova S.E.. «Pedagogical communication of students at the practical training session At the Medical University of Karaganda»
Ibratova Feruza Shodieva Madina. «History of the development of economic proceedings from the post-Soviet to the present period in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation»
Ibratova Feruza Babakulovna, Abdullaeva Khadija Bahodirovna. «Third parties in economic proceedings: theory and practice»
Dubkov Maxim Nikolaevich,. «Study of the features of business process management under conditions of dynamic uncertainty»