Аннотация: A camel is an animal that has linked humanity to desert for thousands of years. No other pet than camels is biologically resistant to deserts and semi-deserts. Among pets, only camels give meat, milk, wool and are used as transport. The Kazakh national drink shubat- camel milk takes an important place among fermented milk products in providing an organism with valuable nutrients. Shubat strengthens a human body and lifts immunity. This article touches upon the chemical composition and biological value of shubat - camel milk.
Ключевые слова: hybrids, protein, vitamin, carbohydrates, mineral substances, milk enzymes, fats, energy, nutrition value, saturated fatty acids
Статья в сборнике научных трудов по материалам конференции (форума) «International Research Conference on Economics, Arts and Sciences»