Conference Proceedings (сборник научных трудов по материалам конференции) International Research Conference on Economics, Arts and Sciences, 30.01.2020, Boston, USA
Список статей:
- Aimbetova T.S., Bazarbaeva L.T., Lapina I.V. «Teaching methods of reading in English»
- Mukusheva G.R. Zhumagalieva A.A., Gisa Dana. «The Features of Teaching Writing by Immersion in the Language»
- Nurkeeva B.A., Kalaganov O.S. «The role of English in the world of economic system»
- Zaika L.A. «Innovative education technologies at the English language lessons»
- Musikhin V.I., Balakireva S.M. «Idiosyncrasies of the Gas Projects in the Russian East: Agenda 2020»
- Nasekina A.I. «Types of textile and clothing recycling»
- Iakovlev E.A. «Way for identification the bot-traffic through machine learning»
- Fedyunin D.V., Lochan S.A., Bezpalov V.V., Zharavin E.I. «A strategic approach to using online reputation management to ensure the sustainability of premium brands»
- Iskakova Sh.G., Korabaeva A.A. «Strategic leadership in management»
- Barintsev V.M., Shilova T.Y. «Industry 4.0 automation research»
- Kulaeva I.R. «Truffle juice in the treatment of eye diseases»
- Turabayeva M.A., Baidaliyeva L.B., Aitmukhanova A.Y. «Chemical composition and biological value of shubat — camel milk»
- Sorokina A.A., Pronkin N.N. «From helping people to getting superpowers»