Conference Proceedings (сборник научных трудов по материалам конференции)International Research Conference on Technology, Science, Engineering & Economy, 25.07.2021, Seattle, USA
Список статей:
- Sysoeva O.Y., Maslennikova V.A., Khrapenkova E.A. «The Friend archetype and its positioning in the system of art and modern fashion»
- Alimkhanova A.B. «The importance of providing feedback in learning and teaching»
- Zolotukhina M.A., Zolotukhin S.A. «The system of monitoring and classification of vibration measurements of rotary equipment using deep neural network»
- Andreeva G. «Sanitary protection mask during the pandemic as an element of image, self-presentation and cultural self-identification»
- Mukusheva G.R., Yerzhumanova A.B. «Immersion Method in the Language Environment: Poems and Songs in Teaching Foreign Language Speaking»
- Sergeyeva L.D. «Innovative technologies: the application of video materials in teaching of foreign language in technical universities»
- Sergeyeva L.D. «Main trends in the formation of key competencies in technical universities»
- Shibukov A.A. «Methods for conservation of old arable land»