Moskalenko Pavel Anatolievich, Gabdullin Eldar Khaidarovich,. «Neuromorphic control systems for distributed energy networks»
Kochnev Vladimir Vladimirovich,. «Effective company management strategies in the field of food additives production»
Solovyov Ivan Sergeevich, Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich. «Use of heat pumps in the cooling system of electric generators»
Nashuk Dmitriy Sergeevich, Moskalenko Pavel Anatolievich, Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich. «Decarbonization technologies for thermal power engineering»
Mitrokhin Egor Pavlovich, Scientific Director - Manzhura Elena Vladimirovna. «Research of environmental problems in the Kaliningrad region and development of ways to solve them»
Kashcheev Kirill Olegovich, Fedoruk Sofia Sergeevna, Shiryaev Alexander Dmitrievich. «Small-scale energy in Russia: current state and development prospects»
Kashcheev Kirill Olegovich, Fedoruk Sofia Sergeevna, Shiryaev Alexander Dmitrievich. «Comparative analysis of the execution options for the heat supply system of a person house»
Fedoruk Sofia Sergeevna, Kashcheev Kirill Olegovich, Shiryaev Alexander Dmitrievich. «Management assessment of distributed energy supply development in the Leningrad region»
Piletskaya A.S., Smirnova A.I., Dyagileva A.B.. «Investigation of possible ways of using secondary raw materials in the timber industry»