Conference Proceedings (сборник научных трудов по материалам конференции) International Conference on Business Economics, Engineering Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, 23.12.2019, USA, Seattle
Список статей:
- Babikova A.V. «Career guidance activities of defectologists as a way of introducing students to the values of inclusive education»
- Kashpireva T. B., Sharifova I. M. «Innovations in the teaching methodology of the Russian as a Foreign Language: features of training for the Generation Z»
- Musikhin V.I., Balakireva S.M. «Russia on the global LNG market: trends and prospects»
- Arefinkina E.G. «Regulatory mechanisms for the systemic treatment of the individual juvenile offender in the process of sentencing»
- Abdildin N.K., Mizanbekov I.T. «Modernization of the transport industry on the basis of digitalization»
- Sergeeva D.V., Sbitneva M.A., Beketova O.N. «Kinotourism as a promising direction for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation»
- Harrasov A.F., Mongush M.V., Zinkevich O. D. «Intestinal microbiota and human health»
- Musikhin I.G., Musikhin V.I., Balakireva S.M. «Express D-dimer Test in the Practice of Ambulance at the Prehospital Stage»