Gluschenko V.M. Pronkin N.N.316. «The degradation of society as a process of destruction of the individual, society and the state»
Skobina Elena Aleksandrovna Slepchenko Ksenia Anatolyevna. «Legal culture and the state: conflicts and strategies in hostage-taking»
Харитонов Андрей Леонидович. «Use of satellite and aero magnetic geophysical methods for studying of the deep structure of morphological structures the central type, formed by mantle paleo-plume in the territory of Eastern Siberia»
Батьковский Александр Михайлович Кравчук Павел Васильевич Мингалиев Камиль Нарзаватович Фомина Алена Владимировна. «The formation of the objectives of the strategy of enterprise development based on the assessment of his financial and economic condition»
Кравцова Ирина Сергеевна Текучева Светлана Николаевна. «World experience of distribution systems by manufacturers of food products»
Корзюк Дмитрий Игоревич Текучёва Светлана Николаевна. «Startups in Russia: current development issues»
Kochurov Dmitry Fedotov Yury Scientific adviser - Panov Y.. «Development of a thermoluminescent dosimetric film based on aromatic polymers for the determination of beta radiation on the skin and radiation equipment»