Kozlov Valery Vyacheslavovich, Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich,. «Technologies for increasing thermal protection of residential building walls with the use of thermal panels»
Zinurov Alexander Zakhirovich,. «Limits of the procedure for the realization of the debtor’s property in the presence of a cross-border component»
Schmidt Tatyana Nikolaevna,. «Positive and negative aspects of simplified proceedings in arbitration process»
Ibratova Feruza Sobirova Muslimakhon. «Legal issues of conciliation procedures in civil proceedings in Uzbekistan»
Elmurzaev Saidamin Musayevich. «Modern constitutional and legal frameworks for the development of the information society in the RF»
Avdeeva Alina Dmitrievna. «Features of approval of a local plan for restructuring the debt of a debtor — an individual in relation to mortgaged housing»
Kurbonova Zulfiya Mahmanabievna Sharopov Farhod Razokovich Kudratov Nekruz Abdunabievich. «Green Diplomacy as a priority in the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Part II»
Kurbonova Zulfiya Mahmanabievna Sharopov Farhod Razokovich Kudratov Nekruz Abdunabievich. «Green Diplomacy as a priority in the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Part I»
Kurbonova Zulfiya Mahmanabievna Mirsaidzoda Faridun Mirboboevich. «Tajikistan and Green Diplomacy: global initiatives and regional leadership. Part II»