Melnik Dmitry Petrovich, Nogina Elena Vitalievna, Klimushin Pavel Fedorovich,. «Implementation of positive methodological practices of combat sports within the framework of physical culture and health work with the personnel potential of customs authorities in the context of the spread of acute respiratory infections»
Zhang Ying,. «Linguocultural analysis of fables (in the framework of teaching russian as a foreign language)»
Tsangari Anna Sergeevna, Subbotina Olga Vladimirovna, Gorlova Natalya Alekseevna,. «Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative-cognitive skills of senior preschool and primary school age in the framework of transformative learning»
Michaelis Natalia Aleksandrovna,. «Application of the electronic library system (ELS) in the process of training students of secondary vocational education on the example of GBPOU «MPK»»
Lashina Ekaterina N.,. «Development of foreign language communicative competence through the use of the situational method of teaching English»
Lashina Ekaterina N.,. «Audiolingual method of teaching English in the process of forming foreign language communicative competence»