Gulyaev Alexander Petrovich, Vlasova Natalya Yurievna. «Digital transformation of the consumer market: strategic imperatives and innovative solutions»
Drozhzhin Sergei. «Environmental and economic efficiency of reusing auto parts in the context of circular economy principles»
Chernavskikh Ekaterina Nikolaevna. «Management of accounts receivable and accounts payable of the company»
Cherepanova Tatyana. «Ways to improve the efficiency of the company’s activities for the storage and transportation of food products»
Sorokin Nikita Alexandrovich, Leonova Nadezhda Lvovna. «Deep learning methods for object detection: a comparative analysis of R-CNN and YOLO»
Gabdullin Eldar Khaidarovich, Moskalenko Pavel Anatolievich, Konovalova Vera Konstantinovna. «Comparative analysis of implementation of ERP-systems Oracle NetSuite and Infor CloudSuite in mechanical engineering: economic aspects and efficiency»