Conference Proceedings (сборник научных трудов по материалам конференции) International Conference on research Trends in Social Sciences, Education, Humanities, Business and Management Studies, 30.03.2020, San Francisco, USA
Список статей:
- Seitpanova M.K., Kuzenbayeva A.I., Nurseitov A.N. «How to motivate the unmotivated students»
- Shiryaeva O.V. «Urban and rural education»
- Abadildayeva Sh.K., Nurtaza A.Sh., Abadildayeva S.K. «The linguocultural peculiarities of kazakh and english names»
- Akhmetova G.S., Kabdulova G.N., Kim N.M. «Realization of the child ‘s personal development through Dalton technology»
- Pechenjova T. «Strategies for the education of new («digital») generation students»
- Agalyyeva B., Agalyyeva G., Maksatmyradova A. «Love your self first, no matter how look»
- Galiyeva A.I. «The significance of Islam Karimov’s «Uzbek model» of national development in the formation of civil society»
- Kuznetsova E.K. «Public order management: features of the contract system development in Russia»
- Mishurova I.V. «Methodological instrument for managing the quality of hotel services»
- Lavitskaya M.I. «Features of the procedural position of a witness in Russian criminal proceedings in the XVIII –first half of the XIX centuries»
- Shamsutdinov R.G., Trotsenko I.A., Shamsutditnov G.G., Shashkov E.B. «Gold mining from sewage sludge by the example of the city of Omsk»
- Ilyina S. «Optimization and management of business processes affecting business bank efficiency»
- Zemskova S. E., Ruin O. V., Luzina E. A., Futanova M. G., Zimina M. E. «The problem of the food choice of the student. Unresolved issues»